Commando Roll of Honour

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Displaying 151 - 200 of 2820
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Name Unit Rank Died Cemetery/Memorial
BAWDEN, Marc Roberts 'Roll of Honour since 1946' Marine 27/02/2000 Devon, Torquay Crematorium
BAXTER, George Henry 47RM Commando Roll of Honour Marine 07/06/1944 Bayeux War Cemetery
BEACH, Edward Bert 45RM Commando Roll of Honour Corporal 12/06/1944 Ranville War Cemetery
BEACH, George Edgar 44RM Commando Roll of Honour Marine 23/01/1945 Taukkyan War Cemetery, Myanmar
BEALE, Frederick Vincent 43RM Commando Roll of Honour Marine 18/04/1945 Ravenna War Cemetery, Italy
BEAMAN, Thomas Edward 42RM Commando Roll of Honour Marine 01/02/1945 Taukkyan War Cemetery, Myanmar
BEAN, William George 48RM Commando Roll of Honour Marine 08/11/1944 Bergen op Zoom War Cemetery, The Netherlands
BEANEY, John George Arthur 1 Commando Roll of Honour Gunner 31/01/1945 Taukkyan War Cemetery, Myanmar
BEARD, Robert Joseph Victor 'Roll of Honour since 1946' Sergeant 30/10/1946 London, Streatham Cemetery
BEARDMORE, Thomas 9 Commando Roll of Honour WO1 Regimental Sergeant Major 03/02/1944 Cassino Memorial, Italy
BEASLEY, Frederick 7 Commando Roll of Honour Corporal 01/06/1941 Suda Bay War Cemetery Greece
BEASLEY, Nicholas 'Roll of Honour since 1946' Sergeant 02/08/2010 Northamptonshire, Funeral at St Mary's Church Burton Latimer
BEATSON, David 'Roll of Honour since 1946' Corporal 05/04/1999 Plymouth, Weston Mill Crematorium
BEAUMONT, William Blair 'ME Commando Roll of Honour' Private 28/08/1941 Berlin 1939-1945 War Cemetery, Germany
BECKETT, Ian 'Roll of Honour since 1946' Corporal 15/04/1979 Plymouth, Weston Mill Cemetery
BECKETT, John Arthur 'Special Service Roll of Honour' Lance Sergeant 15/09/1942 Essex, Sutton Road Cemetery, Southend-on-Sea
BEDBOROUGH, Hubert Charles Raymond Hawkins 'Roll of Honour since 1946' Quartermaster Sergeant 25/12/1949 Hong Kong Cemetery
BEDFORD, John Robert 44RM Commando Roll of Honour Corporal 12/03/1944 Plymouth Naval Memorial
BEDWORTH, Horace William 47RM Commando Roll of Honour Marine 06/06/1944 Bayeux War Cemetery
BEE, Eric Ernest 47RM Commando Roll of Honour Sergeant 06/06/1944 Bayeux War Cemetery
BEECH, James Frederick 1 Commando Roll of Honour Private 05/08/1945 Kirkee War Cemetery India
BEESLEY, Harold Edwin 3 Commando Roll of Honour WO1 Regimental Sergeant Major 10/03/1945 Krakow Rakowicki Cemetery Poland
BEESLEY, Jack 40RM Commando Roll of Honour Sergeant 19/08/1942 Dieppe Canadian War Cemetery, Hautot-Sur-Mer
BEESON, John Nigel 'Roll of Honour since 1946' Lance Corporal 08/08/1983 Leicestershire, Shawell Cemetery, Lutterworth
BEGBIE, William Bell 46RM Commando Roll of Honour Sergeant 11/06/1944 Bayeux War Cemetery
BELCHER, Ernest John 41RM Commando Roll of Honour Regimental Sergeant Major 06/06/1944 Bayeux War Cemetery
BELCHER, Thomas Eaton 30 Commando Roll of Honour Captain 05/10/1943 Athens Memorial, Greece
BELL, Derek Kerr 41RM Commando Roll of Honour Marine 24/03/1945 Bergen op Zoom War Cemetery, The Netherlands
BELL, James 41RM Commando Roll of Honour Marine 06/08/1944 Ranville War Cemetery
BELL, Kenneth Sydney 3 Commando Roll of Honour Gunner 06/06/1944 Hermanville War Cemetery
BELL, Robert 45RM Commando Roll of Honour Marine 06/08/1944 Ranville War Cemetery
BELL, Samuel Derek 'Roll of Honour since 1946' Corporal 26/07/1972 Armed Forces Memorial
BELL, Thomas Matthew 'Roll of Honour since 1946' Marine 23/05/1984 County Durham, Heworth Cemetery Felling
BELLAMY, Robert 1/8 Troops French Roll of Honour Corporal 27/12/1943 Isle of Sark, St Peter's Church
BELSEY, Jarvis Edward 'Roll of Honour since 1946' Corporal 29/11/1950 U.N. Memorial Cemetery and Commonwealth Memorial, Pusan
BEN-JOSEPH, Arich 'ME Commando Roll of Honour' Raider (Private) 01/05/1941 Khartoum Memorial, Sudan
BENDIEN, Gerard Hendrik Joan 2 Troop Dutch Roll of Honour Private 25/11/1945 Zeist (Woudenbergseweg) Cemetery The Netherlands
BENNER, Norman Joseph 2 Commando Roll of Honour Rifleman 18/03/1944 London, Wallington (Bandon Hill) Cemetery, Sutton
BENNETT, Derick S. 2 Commando Roll of Honour Private 13/09/1943 Salerno War Cemetery, Italy
BENNETT, Hector Allan 4 Commando Roll of Honour Private 10/06/1944 Ranville War Cemetery
BENNETT, William James 6 Commando Roll of Honour Corporal 14/12/1942 Tabarka Ras Rajel War Cemetery, Tunisia
BENNION, Thomas James 1 Commando Roll of Honour Corporal 17/03/1945 Chittagong War Cemetery Bangladesh
BENSLEY, James 'Roll of Honour since 1946' Corporal 24/07/1956 Tyne and Wear, Elswick Cemetery Newcastle
BENSON, John 45RM Commando Roll of Honour Marine 12/04/1945 Becklingen War Cemetery Germany
BENSON, Robert Edwin 41RM Commando Roll of Honour Lance Corporal 17/09/1943 Salerno War Cemetery, Italy
BENT, James 42RM Commando Roll of Honour Corporal 31/01/1945 Taukkyan War Cemetery, Myanmar
BENTLEY, Donald 1 Commando Roll of Honour Private 02/03/1943 Tabarka Ras Rajel War Cemetery, Tunisia
BENTLEY, Lennard 30 Commando Roll of Honour Marine 11/06/1944 Bayeux War Cemetery
BENTLEY, Ronald Arthur 'Special Service Roll of Honour' Corporal 28/11/1944 Hertfordshire, Heath Lane Cemetery Hemel Hempstead
BERKLEY, A. 2 Troop Dutch Roll of Honour Corporal 29/10/1944 Municipal Cemetery Brussels


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