GILL, Martin Joseph
Primary tabs
Lance Corporal
Unit / Base:
'42 Commando RM'
Royal Marines
Royal Navy
Sunday, August 14, 1988
Died :
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Killed in action or died of wounds
Local Roll of Honour:
Lance Corporal Martin Gill died whilst deployed with his Multiple as part of a patrol in the area of Adensee in the Nahr-e Saraj (South) district in Helmand province. The aim of the patrol was to assess the atmospherics, meet and talk with local nationals, and disrupt insurgent activity in the area, in preparation for future operations. The Multiple was an hour into its patrol when it was engaged by small-arms re from a nearby compound. LCpl Gill was hit and fatally wounded, and, despite being administered immediate first aid, tragically died of his wounds.
Martin Gill joined the Royal Marines in April 2008 and passed fit for duty in May 2009. On completion of training, he was appointed to the Fleet Protection Group Royal Marines. Within a year, he was promoted to Lance Corporal and took responsibility for a four-man team, guarding the UK’s nuclear deterrent. He subsequently moved to Kilo Company, 42 Commando Royal Marines in September 2010, where he assumed the role of Section Second in Command. During his tenure, he regularly stepped up to take on the role of Section Commander and his professionalism and enthusiasm were visible for all to see. He was a keen individual who had a real passion for life. He was extremely physically fit and swam for his County before joining the Royal Marines. His passion for swimming continued within the Corps, swimming for the 42 Commando Unit Team at every opportunity. [Source: MOD].
Primary Roll of Honour:
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