WW2 Monthly History - July

There are too many operations and/or notable dates to mention each and every one but here are some. Touch/click photos or highlighted words for more information.

14/15 July 1940 Operation Ambassador, a raid on the coast of Guernsey by men from the Independent Companies [more....] grouped together as No 11 Independent Company led by Major Ronnie Tod and also No 3 Commando. 

July 1941 'B' Bn Layforce (No 8 Commando) were in action at Tobruk and some of No 12 Commando were taking part in Operation Chess at Ambleteuse, France. 

July 1942 No.2 Commando's losses after the St Nazaire Raid in March resulted in large numbers of new Officers, NCO's and OR's joining those who had either made it back from the raid or were not on it. On the 1st July 1942 Lieutenant Colonel J.M.T.F.  'Jack' Churchill M.C. assumed command of No. 2 Commando and is seen here with their Boxing Team.
July 1943 Operation Husky, the invasion of Sicily. The Special Raiding Squadron (SRS) and Commandos were amongst the allied forces taking part. Whilst the SRS were engaged at Bagnara and Augusta and other areas, No 3 Commando's time in Sicily included one notable action at Agnone. 
14/15 July 1943 No.3 Commando were tasked with taking and holding a bridge at Malati until the arrival of the 50th Division. After capturing the bridge from the Italians and removing the demolitions they had laid, a counter attack by the Germans with support of tanks inflicted heavy casualties on No.3 Commando. Eventually they were ordered to withdraw but the bridge had been saved from demolition. General Montgomery later ordered that a stone be carved with “3 Commando Bridge” and this stone cemented into the Malati bridge.
  • An excellent account can be found in Lieut. Erskine’s recollections [more....].
  • Information on some Commandos who took part [more...].
  • One of the pillboxes still remains at Malati bridge [view....].
  • Gallery photos of some No.3 Command graves [view....].

July 1944 The allied advance into NW Europe after D day continued with heavy fighting in many areas. Thousands of British and Allied troops took part in these landings. Much has been written in the past about the landings and we could not hope to cover it in this small piece. Our thoughts are with them all. Suffice to say that those Commandos who made that original journey and did not come home are remembered with honour. 
  • Search the WW2 Commando Roll of Honour [here....].
  • View Gallery War Graves albums for France [here....].
14 July 1944 a memorial service was held at Le Plein where Captain the Abbe Rene de Naurois addressed the men of No.1 Special Service Bde. 
16 July 1944 a medal ceremony took place at L'Ecarde Quarry, Amfreville, where Field Marshall Montgomery issued gallantry medals to some Commandos. Photos of individual Commandos receiving awards at this ceremony can be found in their respective Commando Unit galleries.

July 1944 Commando operations were taking place around the world. 
South East Asia Command (SEAC)
No.5 Commando and 44RM Commando in Operation Silchar at Assam.
They were part of the 3rd Special Brigade [more....].

Central Mediterranean Force
28/29 July 1944
No.2 Commando in Operation Healing 2 at Spilje, Albania [more....].
They were part of the 2nd Special Service Brigade.
British Pathe News video [view....].
Photos about the Spilje raid [view....].

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