Distinguished Service Order (DSO)

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BARTON, Bernard James

Barton 2 Commando
Newspaper article re Lt Barton MC
T/Captain (later Major)
No 2 Commando
The Buffs / Reconnaissance Regiment / Royal Armoured Corps
Military Cross (MC)
Distinguished Service Order (DSO)
Bar to the Distinguished Service Order

Bernard James Barton was commissioned Second Lieutenant in The Buffs on the 22nd June 1940 (1).

On the 30th January 1941 he was transferred to the Recce Corps. (2)

BIRRELL, Stuart Martin

Lieutenant Colonel
3 Cdo. Bde. RM
40 Cdo. RM
Royal Marines
Distinguished Service Order (DSO)
Mentioned in Despatches
Lieutenant Stuart Birrell received a Mention in Despatches, announced on 14 February 1992, in recognition of service within the operations in Northern Iraq and Southern Turkey [1].

BLACK, Graeme Delamere

No 2 Commando
South Lancashire
Distinguished Service Order (DSO)
Military Cross (MC)
Captain Graeme Black DSO, MC, was executed whilst a Prisoner of War. He was one of the seven Commandos of No. 2 Commando who were captured after Operation Musketoon, and later executed under Hitler's Commando Execution Order, at Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp, Berlin, 1942. 

BOUCHER-MYERS, Bertram William Sydney

Major Boucher-Myers 4 Commando
No 4 Commando
Lancashire Regiment (Prince of Wales Volunteers)
Distinguished Service Order (DSO)
Mentioned in Despatches
Bertram Boucher-Myers took part in the Lofoten and Dieppe raids receiving a MiD for the the latter [1], after which he was posted to the Staff College at Camberley. In 1946 he served with the East Lancs in India during their transition to independence.

BOWERS, John Henry

John Henry Bowers No.8 Commando
Lance Corporal (later Major)
2614807 and 284731
No 8 Commando
Grenadier Guards, 3rd Bn.
Queen's Own Royal West Kent
Royal Hampshire Regiment, 2/4 Bn.
Distinguished Service Order (DSO)
Mentioned in Despatches
Service timeline: 
  • 03.1936 enlisted as a regular soldier [1].
  • 09.1939 posted to France with British Expeditionary Force [1].

CAMPBELL, Robin Francis

Lieutenant (Temporary Captain)
No 8 Commando
General List
Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE)
Distinguished Service Order (DSO)
Temporary Captain Robin Campbell was attached to the raiding party for Operation Flipper, an attack on Rommel's HQ in November 1941. Wounded and taken prisoner, he was subsequently repatriated in 1943 because of his wounds.

CHURCHILL, John Malcolm Thorpe Fleming (Lt Col)

Lieutenant Colonel
No 2 Commando
No 3 Commando
No 5 Commando
Manchester Regiment
Distinguished Service Order (DSO)
Bar to the Distinguished Service Order
Military Cross (MC)

After a brief spell as 2i/c No 5 Commando, the then Major John Malcolm Thorpe Fleming Churchill (later affectionately known by some as Mad Jack) moved to 2i/c No 3 Commando. Wounded during Operation Archery at Vaagso 27 December 1941.

COATES, John Gordon

John Gordon Coates 30 Assault Unit
Captain (later Temporary Major)
No 10 Commando
30 Commando Assault Unit
Intelligence Corps
Distinguished Service Order (DSO)
1942 Intelligence Officer No.10 (Inter Allied) Commando.
1943 Operations Officer 30 Commando AU Italy and Corsica
1944 Special Operations Executive.

COPLAND, William Oranmore

William Copland 2 Commando
No 2 Commando
No 4 Independent Company
South Lancashire Regiment
Distinguished Service Order (DSO)
Territorial Decoration (TD)
Major William Copland was second in command of No 2 Commando. He had previously served with No 4 Independent Company. Major Copland was reported missing 28 March 1942 after Operation Chariot at St. Nazaire, later found to be a prisoner of war.


Captain (later Lieutenant Colonel)
41RM Commando
Royal Marines
Distinguished Service Order (DSO)
Captain William Cunningham was awarded the Distinguished Service Order for gallant and distinguished service in Sicily. Post war member of the Commando Association from Whitchurch, Hampshire.

DE'ATH, Ian Dudley

Major Ian Dudley De'Ath DSO MBE HQ Special Service Group
Lieutenant Colonel
45RM Commando
40RM Commando
45 Cdo. RM
Royal Marines
Distinguished Service Order (DSO)
Member of the Order of the British Empire (MBE)
Mentioned in Despatches
Lieutenant Colonel Ian De'ath died whilst serving at RMB Plymouth.

DONNELL, Patrick Marshall

Temporary Major, Acting Temporary Lieutenant Colonel
47RM Commando
Royal Marines
Distinguished Service Order (DSO)
Mentioned in Despatches
Croix de Guerre (France)
Acting Lieutenant Colonel Patrick Donnell, Commanding Officer 47RM Commando, received a Mention in Despatches on 3 April 1945 for good service while operating with the Army in North West Europe [1][2a]. 

DRYSDALE, Douglas Burns

41 Ind. Cdo. RM
Royal Marines
Distinguished Service Order (DSO)
Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE)
Member of the Order of the British Empire (MBE)
Mentioned in Despatches
Silver Star (USA)
Acting Lieutenant Colonel Douglas Drysdale assumed command of 44RM Commando on the 23rd April 1945. Formerly the Brigade Major he replaced Lt. Colonel Stockley who had been appointed to a position within Brigade HQ.*


No 3 Commando
Royal Artillery
Distinguished Service Order (DSO)
Bar to the Distinguished Service Order
Mentioned in Despatches

On the 28th June 1940 Captain J.F. Durnford-Slater was appointed Lieut. Colonel and ordered to raise and command No 3 Commando after volunteering for Special Service whilst Adjutant of the 23rd Medium and Heavy Training Regt., RA.

GRAHAM, John Malise

Lieutenant Colonel
Middle East Commando
Royal Scots Greys
Military Cross (MC)
Distinguished Service Order (DSO)
Companion of the Most Eminent Order of the Indian Empire (CIE)

Lt. Col. John Malise Graham, MC,  is listed as the senior officer on a roll of Officers serving with Middle East Commando (1st S.S.

GRAY, William Nicol

William Nicol Gray 45RM Commando
Lieutenant Colonel
45RM Commando
Royal Marines
Distinguished Service Order (DSO)
Bar to the Distinguished Service Order
Companion of the Order of St Michael and St George (CMG)
King's Police Medal (KPM)
Lieutenant Colonel William Nicol Gray was awarded the Distinguished Service Order [1][3] whilst Temporary Major (Acting Temporary Lieutenant-Colonel) of the Commando [2]. He was later awarded a bar to his Distinguished Sevice Order [4][5].

HARDY, Campbell Richard

Lt Colonel Campbell Richard Hardy
46RM Commando
Royal Marines
Knight Commander of the Order of the Bath (KCB)
Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE)
Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE)
Distinguished Service Order (DSO)
Bar to the Distinguished Service Order
2nd Bar to the Distinguished Service Order
Lieutenant Colonel Campbell Richard Hardy, commanded the 9th RM Bn., until it was redesignated as 46 RM Commando on 1 August 1943.

HAYDON, Joseph Charles

Major General
Special Service Brigade
Irish Guards
Companion of the Order of the Bath (CB)
Distinguished Service Order (DSO)
Bar to the Distinguished Service Order
Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE)
Mentioned in Despatches
Second Lieutenant Joseph Charles Haydon was commissioned into the Irish Guards 21 December 1917 [1]On the 8th June 1

HAYDON, Peter Hillyard

41RM Commando
Royal Marines
Distinguished Service Order (DSO)
Killed in action or died of wounds
Captain Peter Haydon DSO from Penzance was killed during operations at Walcheren. Son of Rollo Hillyard Stafford Haydon and Annie Gwendoline Haydon, of Equador.

HOLMES, Matthew John

Major General Matthew Holmes
Major General
3 Cdo. Bde. RM
Royal Marines
Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE)
Distinguished Service Order (DSO)
Died in service
Lieutenant Colonel Matthew Holmes, Commanding Officer 42 Commando RM, was appointed D.S.O. in recognition of gallant and distinguished service in Afghanistan during the period 1st October 2006 to 31st March 2007 [1].

HOPSON, Donald Charles

Donald Charles Hopson
No 3 Commando
Lancashire Fusilers, Royal Armoured Corps
Knight Commander of the Order of St Michael and St George (KCMG)
Distinguished Service Order (DSO)
Military Cross (MC)
Mentioned in Despatches
Territorial Decoration (TD)
Second Lieutenant Donald Hopson was commissioned into the Lancashire Fusiliers which later converted to an armoured unit of the Royal Armoured Corps. Served in No.3 Commando from 23 June 1943. Adjutant from 14 July 1943. Also served 1 Commando Brigade.

JAMES, Paul Melvyn

Royal Marines
Distinguished Service Order (DSO)
Lieutenant Colonel Paul James was appointed D.S.O. in recognition of gallant and distinguished services in Afghanistan during the period 1st April 2010 to 30th September 2010 [1].
  • 22 August 2011 promoted Colonel [2].

JENKINS, William Glyn

Lieutenant William Jenkins DSO
Temporary Lieutenant
43RM Commando
Royal Marines
Distinguished Service Order (DSO)
Lieutenant William Glyn Jenkins was appointed to be a Companion of the Distinguished Service Order for gallant and distinguished service displayed in the Italian campaign when taking part in the operations in April, 1945, north of the Reno and west of Argenta.

KOMROWER, Arthur George

Arthur George Komrower DSO
Lieutenant Colonel
No 3 Commando
Commando Basic Training Centre
Lancashire Fusiliers
Distinguished Service Order (DSO)
Territorial Decoration (TD)
Lieutenant (Temporary Captain) Arthur Komrower was appointed D.S.O. [1] in recognition of gallant and distinguished service whilst temporarily commanding No. 3 Commando during operations at Termoli, Italy, between 4 -6 October 1943 [2]. This was during Lt. Col.

LAPRAIK, John Neilson

Acting Captain (later Honorary Colonel)
51ME Commando
Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders
Distinguished Service Order (DSO)
Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE)
Military Cross (MC)
Bar to the Military Cross
Mentioned in Despatches
Territorial Decoration (TD)
Acting Captain John Neilson Lapraik was awarded the Military Cross for gallant and distinguished service in the Middle East [1].

LAYCOCK, Robert Edward

Major General Robert Edward Laycock
Major General
Special Service Brigade
Royal Horse Guards
Knight Commander of the Order of St Michael and St George (KCMG)
Companion of the Order of the Bath (CB)
Distinguished Service Order (DSO)
Knight of the Order of St John (KStJ)
Order of Oranje Nassau with Swords (Netherlands)
Legion of Merit (USA)

Born 1907; educated at Eton College and Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst; joined Royal Horse Guards, Mar 1927, 2nd Lt, 1927; Lt 1930; Capt 1934; married Angela Claire Louise (née Dudley Ward), 1935; instructor on anti-gas and air defence measures, School of Military Engineering, Chatham, Dec 193

LEICESTER, Bernard William

Brigadier Bernard Leicester DSO
4 Special Service (Commando) Brigade
Royal Marines
Distinguished Service Order (DSO)
Bar to the Distinguished Service Order
Brigadier Bernard William 'Jumbo' Leicester commanded 4 Special Service Brigade. He was awarded the DSO for  gallant and distinguished service during the landing of Allied Forces in Normandy and during the advance to the River Seine [1].

LEWIS, Anthony David

Lieutenant Colonel
No 6 Commando
Dorsetshire Regiment
Distinguished Service Order (DSO)
Member of the Order of the British Empire (MBE)
Croix de Guerre (France)
Officer Commanding No 6 Commando  from June 1944 onwards.

LOCKETT, Jeffrey Gordon

Lieutenant (later Temporary Major)
No 4 Commando
Seaforth Highlanders
Royal Leicestershire Regiment, 7th Bn.
Distinguished Service Order (DSO)
Military Cross (MC)
Mentioned in Despatches
Served as a Gunner in a TA Royal Artillery unit from 2 September 1939 until 31 May May 1940 when he began officer training in 162 OCTU [1]
21 September 1940 commissioned Second Lieutenant, Seaforths [2].


Birth name: 
FRASER, Simon Christopher Joseph
No 4 Commando
Lovat Scouts
Distinguished Service Order (DSO)
Military Cross (MC)
Deputy Lieutenant (DL)
Justice of the Peace (JP)
Lord Lovat first enlisted in the Scots Guards in 1932, leaving the army in 1937. Two years later at the outbreak of war he rejoined the Army in the Lovat Scouts.

MADOC, Reginald William

Major General
3 Cdo. Bde. RM
Royal Marines
Companion of the Order of the Bath (CB)
Distinguished Service Order (DSO)
Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE)
Mentioned in Despatches
Major General Reginald Madoc D.S.O., O.B.E., was appointed C.B. on 1st January 1959 [1].
  • 1951 (Lieutenant Colonel) (42 Commando RM) appointed O.B.E. for gallant and distinguished services in Malaya [2].

MANNERS, James Calvert

Lieutenant Colonel
40RM Commando
Royal Marines
Distinguished Service Order (DSO)
Croix de Guerre (France)
Killed in action or died of wounds
Lieutenant Colonel James Manners DSO, Officer Commanding 40RM Commando, died during operations on the enemy held island of Brac, Yugoslavia.


Small Scale Raiding Force (62 Commando)
Royal Artillery
Distinguished Service Order (DSO)
Member of the Order of the British Empire (MBE)
Mentioned in Despatches
Killed in action or died of wounds
Commanding Officer 62 Commando (Small Scale Raiding Force).
Killed in action Operation Aquatint. Posthumous Mention in Despatches.

MESSENGER, Gordon Kenneth

Royal Marines
Knight Commander of the Order of the Bath (KCB)
Companion of the Order of the Bath (CB)
Distinguished Service Order (DSO)
Bar to the Distinguished Service Order
Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE)
General Gordon Kenneth Messenger, C.B. D.S.O. O.B.E., was appointed K.C.B. on 11 June 2016 [1].
  • 16 May 2016 promoted General and to be Vice Chief of the Defence Staff and Aide-de-Camp to Her Majesty The QUEEN [2].


No 4 Commando
No 6 Commando
1 Special Service (Commando) Brigade
Irish Guards
Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE)
Distinguished Service Order (DSO)
Bar to the Distinguished Service Order
Military Cross (MC)
Mentioned in Despatches

Born in 1908; educated at Liverpool College and Oxford University; worked for his father's firm of solicitors, 1935; joined Supplementary Reserve of Officers, Irish Guards, 1936; joined 1 Bn, Irish Guards, 1939-1942, and served in Norway; transferred to special services No 4 Commando, 1942; took

MOULTON, James Louis

Lt. Col James Louis Moulton
Major General
48RM Commando
Royal Marines
Companion of the Order of the Bath (CB)
Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE)
Distinguished Service Order (DSO)
Mentioned in Despatches
Lieutenant Colonel James Louis Moulton, Commanding Officer 48RM Commando until March 1945, was awarded the Distinguished Service Order for gallant and distinguished services while operating with the Army during the successful landings in Normandy. [1] . 

NICHOLL, Hugh Rowley Mount

RN Beach Commando (R.N.B.C.)
Distinguished Service Order (DSO)
Distinguished Service Cross (DSC)
Mentioned in Despatches
Commander Hugh Nicholl served with 'G' Beach Commando [1][6][7]
  • 20 January 1941 (Acting Commander) appointed Distinguished Service Order for coolness, skill and devotion to duty while serving in the Mediterranean [2].

NORMAN, Jaimie McCoy

3 Cdo. Bde. RM
Royal Marines
Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE)
Distinguished Service Order (DSO)
Captain Jaimie Norman was appointed to the Distinguished Service Order in recognition of gallant and distinguished services in Afghanistan in 2007 [1].
  • December 2020 (Colonel) appointed O.B.E. (Military Division) [2].

PALMER, Eric Charles Ernest

Lieutenant Colonel
41RM Commando
Royal Marines
Distinguished Service Order (DSO)
Acting Lieutenant Colonel Eric Palmer, Officer Commanding 41RM Commando, was awarded the Distinguished Service Order in recognition of his gallant and distinguished service during his Commando's landing at the breach in the dyke at Westkapelle, Walcheren, on 1 November 1944, and the successful

PHILLIPS, Cecil Farndale

Major General
47RM Commando
3 Cdo. Bde. RM
Royal Marines
Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire (KBE)
Companion of the Order of the Bath (CB)
Distinguished Service Order (DSO)
Mentioned in Despatches
Order of Oranje Nassau with Swords (Netherlands)

Acting Lieutenant Colonel Cecil Farndale Phillips was the Commanding Officer of No. 47 Royal Marine Commando, Royal Marines, during operations at Normandy and Walcheren.  Post war he commanded  3 Commando Brigade Royal Marines during operations in Malaya. 

PRICE, Martin

Lieutenant Colonel
48RM Commando
47RM Commando
40 Cdo. RM
Royal Marines
Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE)
Distinguished Service Order (DSO)
Mentioned in Despatches
Acting Lieutenant Colonel Martin Price D.S.O., R.M., was posted Commanding Officer 48RM Commando in March 1945 [1]. He had previously been Second in Command of 47RM Commando [1A].

QUILL, Raymond Humphrey

Colonel Raymond Humphrey Quill
30 Commando Assault Unit
Royal Marines
Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE)
Distinguished Service Order (DSO)
Member of the Royal Victorian Order (MVO)
Legion of Merit (USA)
Lieutenant Colonel Raymond Humphrey Quill was the Commanding Officer of 30 Assault Unit from November 1944. A veteran of World War 1 he had served with the RM Brigade at the Dardanelles 1914/15 and on board HMS Lord Nelson from October 1916 to November 1918 [1]

RICHES, Ian Hurry

Major General
43RM Commando
Royal Marines
Knight Commander of the Order of the Bath (KCB)
Companion of the Order of the Bath (CB)
Distinguished Service Order (DSO)
Acting Lieutenant Colonel Ian Hurry Riches, G.S.O.1 Special Service Group, was appointed Officer Commanding 43RM Commando in November 1944 [1][1a] .

ROY, Donald William

Captain Donald Roy DSO
No 2 Commando
No 4 Independent Company
Liverpool Scottish Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders
Distinguished Service Order (DSO)
Territorial Decoration (TD)
Private Donald William Roy, a Cadet of the Fettes College Contingent Junior Division O.T.C., received his commission into the Liverpool Scots TA on the 17th June 1939.

SANKEY, Robert Woodall

Lieutenant Colonel Sankey RM
Lieutenant Colonel
40RM Commando
Royal Marines
Distinguished Service Order (DSO)
Distinguished Service Cross (DSC)
Mentioned in Despatches
Lieutenant Colonel Robert Sankey was appointed Officer Commanding 40 Royal Marine Commando on the 1st July 1944 after the death in June of Lieutenant Colonel  James C. Manners, DSO [more....] [1].

SCHOFIELD, Dudley Raymond

Dudley Schofield 2 Commando
Lieutenant (later Lieutenant Colonel)
6826901 and 74801
No 2 Commando
No 5 Independent Company
Royal Fusiliers (City of London) Regiment
Distinguished Service Order (DSO)
Territorial Decoration (TD)
Mentioned in Despatches
Lieutenant Dudley Schofield was awarded the Distinguished Service Order in recognition of gallant and distinguished service. He was one of the Commando contingent that took part in operations from HMS Triumph against the Palermo and Messina railway on the 29/30 August 1941.

SHAW, David Mackenzie

Lt Col Shaw OC No 5 Commando
Lieutenant Colonel
No 5 Commando
Royal Inniskillings Fusiliers
Distinguished Service Order (DSO)
Military Cross (MC)
Mentioned in Despatches
Commanding Officer No 5 Commando when they sailed to India in November 1943 until the 12th September 1944 when he relinquished his command to Lt Col Pollitt and rejoined his Regiment, the Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers.


Acting Temporary Captain (later Major)
47RM Commando
Royal Marines
Distinguished Service Order (DSO)
Captain Paul Spencer had served with the Commando since its formation in August 1943. He was awarded the Distinguished Service Order in recognition of his gallant and distinguished service whilst Adjutant during an assault on a gun battery at Walcheren on the 2nd November 1944.

STURGES, Robert Grice

Robert Grice Sturges
Lieutenant General
Special Service (Commando) Group
Royal Marines
Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire (KBE)
Companion of the Order of the Bath (CB)
Distinguished Service Order (DSO)
Mentioned in Despatches
Major General Robert Grice Sturges, a veteran of WW1, commanded the Special Service Group, later re-titled Commando Group, from August 1943 until June 1945.
Early Service and World War 1 [1].

TAILYOUR, Norman Hastings

Lieutenant General
45 Cdo. RM
Royal Marines
Knight Commander of the Order of the Bath (KCB)
Companion of the Order of the Bath (CB)
Distinguished Service Order (DSO)
Bar to the Distinguished Service Order
Mentioned in Despatches
Lieutenant General Norman Tailyour was knighted in June 1966.
  • 1945, 8 January, Commanding Officer 27RM Battalion [1].
  • 1945, Distinguished Service Order for gallant and distinguished service in North West Europe with 27 RM Bn. [1][ 2].

THOMAS, Jeremy Hywel

Major General
3 Cdo. Bde. RM
Royal Marines
Companion of the Order of the Bath (CB)
Distinguished Service Order (DSO)
Brigadier Jeremy Thomas, HQ 3 Commando Brigade RM, was awarded the Distinguished Service Order in recognition of gallant and distingu

TOD, Ronald John Frederick (Brig)

No 9 Commando
No 6 Independent Company
No 11 Independent Company
Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders
Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE)
Distinguished Service Order (DSO)
Bar to the Distinguished Service Order
Commissioned  into the Argyle and Sutherland Highlanders in 1925. Served in No 6 Independent Company and was  Officer Commanding No 11 Independent Company in 1940 and later took command of No 9 Commando in 1942.  Awarded DSO, and later a Bar to the DSO, each for "gallant and distinguished s

TWEED, David Gratiaen

Lieutenant Colonel
40 Cdo. RM
Royal Marines
Distinguished Service Order (DSO)
Member of the Order of the British Empire (MBE)
Mentioned in Despatches
Captain (Acting Major) David Gratiaen Tweed received a Mention in Despatches in September 1945 for good services with the 21st Army Group [1]. He is shown that year as D.A.A. and Q.M.G. 116th RM Infantry Brigade [1a].

VAUX, Nicholas Francis

Major General
42 Cdo. RM
Royal Marines
Companion of the Order of the Bath (CB)
Distinguished Service Order (DSO)
Lieutenant Colonel Nicholas Vaux, Officer Commanding 42 Commando Royal Marines, was awarded the Distinguished Service Order for his leadership, planning, and distinguished service during operations on the Falkland Islands.

WHITEHEAD, Andrew Francis

Lieutenant Colonel
45 Cdo. RM
Royal Marines
Distinguished Service Order (DSO)
Mentioned in Despatches
Lieutenant Colonel Andrew Whitehead, commanding 45 Commando Royal Marines, was awarded the Distinguished Service Order for his actions during operations on the Falkland Islands. He also recieved a Mention in Despatches during operations in Northern Ireland.

WILSON, Robert

Captain (later Lieutenant Colonel)
No 8 Commando
Royal Artillery
Distinguished Service Order (DSO)
Bar to the Distinguished Service Order
Mentioned in Despatches
Territorial Efficiency Medal
Gunner Robert Wilson was commissioned Second Lieutenant on 2 September 1939 [1]. After volunteering for the Commandos he joined the folbot section of No.8 Commando, prior to a move to the Special Boat Section in the Middle East.

WOOLLEY, Arthur Rupert

Lieutenant Colonel
30 Commando Assault Unit
Royal Marines
Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE)
Distinguished Service Order (DSO)
Arthur Woolley joined the Royal Marines on 1 December 1939 and after his basic training was posted to the 5th Batallion Royal Marines Brigade.
  • Promoted Temporary Captain April 1940, Acting Temporary Major November 1941, and Second in Command of 5th RM Bn. June 1942.

WYLIE, Kenneth Neil

Major (later Honorary Colonel)
No 7 Commando
Royal Engineers
Distinguished Service Order (DSO)
Member of the Order of the British Empire (MBE)
Temporary Major Kenneth Wylie, B.A. was second in command of No.7 Commando. During operations on Crete he was placed in command replacing the sick Lt. Col. Colvin and was subsequently captured by the enemy [1]

YOUNG, George Alan Dawson

Temporary Lieutenant Colonel
52ME Commando
50ME Commando
Royal Engineers
Distinguished Service Order (DSO)
Mentioned in Despatches
Lieutenant Colonel George Alan Dawson Young R.E., was the Commanding Officer of 50 Middle East Commando until November 1940 when he assumed  command of 52 Middle East Commando after its former commanding officer, Harry Fox-Davies, was taken ill.

YOUNG, Peter

Brigadier Peter Young
Then then Major Peter Young
No 3 Commando
Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Regiment
Distinguished Service Order (DSO)
Military Cross (MC)
Bar to the Military Cross
2nd Bar to the Military Cross
Peter Young was commissioned Second Lieutenant in 1939.

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