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Book page No 7 Commando Nominal I - O
Personnel HEWLETT, Henry
Personnel FROST, Terence Ernest Manitou
Personnel CHEETHAM, John Frederick
Personnel HUGHES, William Armsted
Personnel BARBER, Harold James
Personnel COLBECK, John Vivian
Personnel WATSON, Harold Alexander
Personnel HUGHES, Richard Glanville
Personnel SMITH, James
Personnel LEWIS, George Edward
Personnel ALTASS, Derek
Book page RN Beach Commandos H-N
Personnel AUSTIN, Selwyn Ronald
Personnel SWAINBANK, Christopher
Personnel JOHNSON, George Leonard
Book page 40RM Cdo Nominal Roll E-K
Personnel JOHNSON, Ernest Warren
Personnel HUGHES, Desmond Anthony
Personnel HOOPER, Walter Francis
Personnel HOOPER, Samuel Lyndon
Personnel HARDY, Harry George Robert
Personnel HARDY, Daniel Charles Thomas
Book page No.11 Commando Nominal P-Z
Personnel GOODSIR, Georges Albert Jacques


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