WW2 Monthly History - November
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There are too many operations and/or notable dates to mention each and every one but here are some.
November 1941 - Operation Flipper.
Attack on Rommel's HQ by a small group from 'C' Bn Layforce. It was during this operation that their Commanding Officer, Lieutenant Colonel Geoffrey Keyes M.C., No.11 Commando, was killed and later posthumously awarded the Victoria Cross.
November 1942 - Operation Torch.
The Allied invasion of French North Africa. The Commando units involved, Nos. 1 and 6 Commandos, were part of Eastern Task Force landing on beaches close to Algiers operating alongside the US Rangers, who were commando trained units of the US 34th Infantry Division.
We have a section in our Archive dedicated to those from Allied countries who operated with Commando Forces [more ....]. This does not include those of No.10 (Inter Allied) Commando who have a dedicated section within our WW2 Commando Units pages [go to that section].
November 1942 - French coastal raids by No 12 Commando and the Small Scale Raiding Force (SSRF).
Operation Farenheit - Brittany, November 1942
Operation Batman - France, November 1942
Read more about No.12 Commando [HERE].
Read more about the SSRF [HERE].
November 1944 - Operation Infatuate
This was the amphibious assault on the island of Walcheren, off the coast of Holland, the capture of which was essential to the opening up of Antwerp as the major Allied supply port for the final push into Germany.
The major role for the assault landings was allotted to 4 Commando Brigade, which had previously consisted of four RM Commandos, but for this operation No.4 (Army) Commando replaced 46 RM Commando. No 4 Commando, including 1 and 8 troops of No.10 (Inter Allied) Commando, landed at Flushing. The three RM Commando units 41, 47, and 48 Commando, with detachments from the Belgian and Norwegian Commandos of No.10 (Inter Allied) Commando, landed at Westkapelle [more about Operation Infatuate 1 and 2].
The Commando Fallen during this Operation: [Walcheren Commando ROH].
November 1944 - Operations and patrols by the Commandos of 3 Commando Brigade were taking place in the Far East, and would continue through Xmas and into the New Year. We have some interesting documents relevant to this Commando Brigade which can be viewed here [3 Commando Brigade Burma Operations].
2SBS were also operating in this theatre of war. Image depicts Lt Peters and others of 2SBS, 'B' Group. Lt. Peters was later killed in action [read more...]
View our gallery for them here [HERE].
View a document about their timeline [HERE].
We would also recommend you reading up on all the additional entries in our Archive for each of the Commandos that comprised the Brigade.
8th November 1944 - Veere Patrol
A patrol from 48RM Commando was sent to Veere on the North East of the island of Walcheren travelling in a convoy of 4 amphibious Buffaloes, one of which hit a submerged explosive device. [read more.....]
November 1944 - No.9 Commando were engaged in operations within Greece.
Image is 1 troop No.9 Commando near the Strymon Bridge, Greece, November 1944. Collection of Lt Angus Ferguson, No 9 Commando, courtesy of his son Gregor Ferguson.
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