Stalag IV-DZ (4DZ), Annaburg, Germany
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Displaying 1 - 13 of 13ARMITAGE, Harold Edward
Harold Edward Armitage, a Labourer from Huddersfield, Yorkshire, enlisted 18 April 1941. He volunteered for the commandos and was attached to No.2 Commando 3 Troop.
BARBER, Harold James
Private John Barry was reported missing during operations in North Africa on 26 February 1943 (Battle of Steamroller Farm) later found to be a prisoner of war.
James Brinkley, a Labourer from Battersea, London, enlisted 17 March 1941. He volunteered for the commandos and was attached to No.2 Commando 3 Troop. Private Brinkley was reported missing at Salerno, Italy, later found to be a prisoner of war.

HILL, Thomas Peter
Private Thomas Hill was reported missing 26 February 1943 during operations in Tunisia (Battle of Steamroller Farm), later found to be a prisoner of war.
JOHN, William, H.
PAUL, Haydn Bertram
PEW, Charles McAllum
REID, Ernest, E.
Acting Lance Corporal Ernest Reid, 3 Troop, was reported missing during operations in North Africa 2 March 1943, found to have been taken prisoner and later transported to Stalag 4DZ.
Casualty Lists 1939-45 / National Archives files WO417/59; WO417/60.
SNEDDON, William
SPEIGHT, James Robert

James Robert Speight from Leeds was reported as missing on 26 February 1943 during operations in North Africa (Battle for Steamroller Farm). Later found to be a prisoner of war. On 13 April 1945 he escaped from a working party and reached allied lines.
TARGELL, Thomas Henry
Private Thomas Targell was reported missing 4 March 1943 during operations in North Africa, later corrected to 'wounded and a prisoner of war'.
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