'RM Holding Cdo. Officers June'44'

Extract from the Navy Lists
June 1944 Volume 1 Page 1101.  (page 1015 on N.L.S. website page list)
Source: National Library of Scotland website.


Commanding Officer —  
2nd in Command —   
Major —   
Act. Capts.
R.S.I. Muldowney

Act. Tempy. Capt.
J.F. Showell-Rogers
J.P. Norman
J.G. Boardley
G.A. Kaye
E.H. Thomas
R.R. Neville
L.W.M. Brown
S.C. Hellis
Lieutenants —  
P.R. Kay
Tempy Lieuts. 
C.V. Oppitz
E.G. Glover
J.E. Cordeaux
A.C. Buglear
C.E. Walker
C.R. Walsh
H.J. Keigwin
A.J. Allen
F. W. N. Wilson
D.T.T. Mackinnon
A.D. Shillabeer
A.G. Burnett
W.A.C. Horsfall
H.B. Boreham
I.W. Adam
N. Demuth
L. Hoad
E.Y. McDonald
W.E. Seales
J. Taylor
N.B. Collings
Temp. 2nd Lieuts. —
M.A. McConville
P.J. Dietz
Quartermaster —  
Tempy. Lieut. (Qr.-Mr.)  C.R. Walsh
Schmr. W. Roberts, MA, RN 
Highlighted names contain more information.

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