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Captain Ralph Parkinson-Cumine MC, 'B' troop, was reported missing presumed killed during operations in Korea. His Commando were engaged in operations with US Forces as part of Taskforce Drysdale, named after their Commanding Officer Lieutenant Colonel Douglas B. Drysdale , heading out from Koto-ri, Korea, in an attempt to relieve allied forces at Hagaru-ri. This was during what later became known as the Battle of Chosin Reservoir.
- 1944 pictured in a photo taken at the Commando Basic Training Centre Officers Mess.
- 1945 (Acting Captain) (43RM Commando) awarded the Military Cross for "gallantry, zeal, and skill during the attack on Sarande (September 1944), and the seizure of the island of Solta".
- 1945 April, Captain of 'E' Troop during operations at Argenta in 1945.
British Casualties, Korean War 1950-1953.
Korean Vets. Assn. website.
Devon Heritage website.
Award: London Gazette 37013, page 1791.
Image: Castle Commando by Donald Gilchrist.
There is a memorial to him at St. Annes Church, Killough, Down.
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