RN Beach Commando

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'RN Beach Cdo. Nominal Roll'

A Nominal Roll for the Royal Naval Beach Commandos. For historical & research purposes, we have tried to compile the names of all RN Commando volunteers. Details were obtained from the Commonwealth War Graves Commission, Lists of Casualties, the RN Commando War Diary, papers from the National Archives, books, documents, etc. However as we do not have access to Service Records we recognise this list is not complete.

The RN Commando Nominal Roll is listed below in surname order.

'RN Beach Commando units'

Initially raised as 'Naval Beach Parties', they were redesignated as Royal Naval Beach Commandos. At the end of the war they were again redesignated as Naval Beach Control Parties'
The transcripts of National Archives document file DEFE 2/987 relating to each RN Beach Commando unit are listed below.

'Walcheren - Operation Infatuate'

Wednesday, November 1, 1944


51° 33' 48.6" N, 3° 29' 59.64" E
Operation Infatuate was the combined operations amphibious assault on the island of Walcheren, off the coast of Holland, the capture of which was essential to the opening up of Antwerp as the major Allied supply port for the final push into Germany. The major role for the initial assault landings was allotted to 4 Special Service (Commando) Brigade, which had previously consisted of four RM Commando units, but for this operation No.4 Commando, an Army Commando unit, replaced 46 Royal Marine Commando, Royal Marines.

BAILEY, Reginald John William

Able Seaman
P/JX 381850
RN Beach Commando (R.N.B.C.)
Killed in action or died of wounds

Able Seaman Reginald Bailey died during operations at Elba [1][2]. At the time of his death RN Commandos were involved in the operation to liberate the enemy held island of Elba, codenamed Operation Brassard.

BALLARD, Alfred Hunter

Temporary Lieutenant
RN Beach Commando (R.N.B.C.)
Distinguished Service Cross (DSC)
Bar to the Distinguished Service Cross
Lieutenant Alfred Ballard, RNBC 'A', was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for gallantry, skill, determination and undaunted devotion to duty during the landing of Allied Forces on the coast of Normandy June 1944 [1][2].

BAYLY, Patrick Uniacke

Lieutenant Commander (later Vice Admiral)
RN Beach Commando (R.N.B.C.)
Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire (KBE)
Companion of the Order of the Bath (CB)
Distinguished Service Cross (DSC)
Bar to the Distinguished Service Cross
2nd Bar to the Distinguished Service Cross
Legion of Merit (USA)
Beachmaster with 'Mike' Royal Naval Beach Commando at Porto Paulo, Sicily, Salerno and on River Volturno, Italy, July 1943 to November 1943.

BIBBY, Desmond Terence

Temporary Lieutenant
RN Beach Commando (R.N.B.C.)
Distinguished Service Cross (DSC)
Lieutenant Desmond Bibby was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for coolness, courage and efficiency as Beachmaster in a sector of the beach in the raid on Dieppe 19 August, 1942. As the advance of the troops was held up his sector was throughout the operation under conitinuous fire.

BRIGGS, Thomas Devlin

Petty Officer
D/SSX 15848
RN Beach Commando (R.N.B.C.)
Killed in action or died of wounds

Petty Officer Thomas Briggs died during operations at Elba [1][2]. At the time of his death RN Commandos were involved in the operation to liberate the enemy held island of Elba, codenamed Operation Brassard.

CHAMBERLAIN, Charles Edward

Able Seaman
P/JX 330745
RN Beach Commando (R.N.B.C.)
Killed in action or died of wounds

Able Seaman Charles Chamberlain died during operations at Elba [1][2]. At the time of his death RN Commandos were involved in the operation to liberate the enemy held island of Elba, codenamed Operation Brassard.

COOK, Oswald

Temporary Sub Lieutenant
RN Beach Commando (R.N.B.C.)
Distinguished Service Cross (DSC)
Award whilst serving in R.N.B.C. 'G3'. For gallantry, leadership and undaunted devotion to duty under heavy and continuous fire from the enemy during landings on the Italian mainland.
London Gazette 36345, page 478.

COPPOCK, Robin Leslie

Temporary Acting Sub-Lieutenant
RN Beach Commando (R.N.B.C.)
Distinguished Service Cross (DSC)

Sub-Lieutenant Robin Coppock, RNBC 'C', was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for gallant and distinguished services and untiring devotion to duty in operations which led to the capture of Sicily by Allied forces.


John Couch RNBC
Able Seaman
RN Beach Commando (R.N.B.C.)

Served in the Royal Navy between 3rd June 1942 and 11th June 1946. From 2nd June 1943 his unit was Royal Naval Beach Commando 'N2' (Nan 2). Awarded the Italy Star, 1939-45 Star and 1939-45 War Medal.

COVENEY, Eric Frank

Petty Officer
C/X 18887A
RN Beach Commando (R.N.B.C.)
Killed in action or died of wounds

Petty Officer Eric Coveney died during operations at Elba [1][2]. At the time of his death RN Commandos were involved in the operation to liberate the enemy held island of Elba, codenamed Operation Brassard.

CULLENS, John David Ferguson

Able Seaman
D/JX 169287
RN Beach Commando (R.N.B.C.)
Killed in action or died of wounds

Able Seaman John Cullens died during operations at Elba [1][2]. At the time of his death RN Commandos were involved in the operation to liberate the enemy held island of Elba, codenamed Operation Brassard.


Sub Lieutenant
RN Beach Commando (R.N.B.C.)
Mentioned in Despatches
Killed in action or died of wounds

Sub Lieutenant Alan Davis  died during operations at Elba [1][2].

DODD, Francis Charles Eric

Able Seaman
RN Beach Commando (R.N.B.C.)
Mentioned in Despatches

Award whilst serving in R.N.B.C. 'N1' during the landings on the Italian mainland.
London Gazette 36505, page 2128.
RN Beach Commando Memoranda No.79 dated 20 July 1944 (Extract from A.F.O.2709/44).

DRAPER, Norman Ernest

Temporary Midshipman
RN Beach Commando (R.N.B.C.)
Distinguished Service Cross (DSC)
Mentioned in Despatches
Mentioned in Despatches in operations which led to the capture of Sicily by Allied forces [1].
Awarded the Distinguished Service Cross whilst serving in R.N.B.C. 'G3'. for gallant and distinguished service in Italy [2][3].

ELLMAN, Samuel

Sub. Lieutenant
RN Beach Commando (R.N.B.C.)
Mentioned in Despatches

From Rustenburg, Transvaal, South Africa. Award whilst serving in R.N.B.C. 'M1'. For good services in operations in the Mediterranean. 

ENEFER, Roland

Able Seaman
C/JX 374572
RN Beach Commando (R.N.B.C.)
Killed in action or died of wounds

Able Seaman Roland Enefer died during Operations at Elba [1][2]. At the time of his death RN Commandos were involved in the operation to liberate the enemy held island of Elba, codenamed Operation Brassard.


Able Seaman
D/JX 239975
RN Beach Commando (R.N.B.C.)
Killed in action or died of wounds

Able Seaman George Fairweather died during operations at Elba [1][2]. At the time of his death RN Commandos were involved in the operation to liberate the enemy held island of Elba, codenamed Operation Brassard.

FEDDER, William Charles

Petty Officer
RN Beach Commando (R.N.B.C.)
Distinguished Service Medal (DSM)
R.N.B.C. 'J'. Awarded the Distinguished Service Medal for outstanding courage, leadership and skill during the build-up of the Normandy bridgehead.
London Gazette 36979, p1382 / errata in LG 37035. p2023.

GODDARD, Henry John

Able Seaman
RN Beach Commando (R.N.B.C.)
Distinguished Service Medal (DSM)

Able Seaman Henry Goddard, RNBC 'A', was awarded the Distinguished Service Medal for distinguished service in operations carried out in the face of determined opposition from the enemy, which led to the capture of the island of Elba.

GODFREY, Peter Ernest

Leading Telegraphist
RN Beach Commando (R.N.B.C.)
Peter Ernest Godfrey, a Civil Service Student from Cardiff, enlisted into the Royal Navy 6 June 1941. Leading Telegraphist Godfrey, RNBC, was captured on 17 November 1943 during operation at Leros in the Aegean.


GRAINGER, Dennis Abraham

Petty Officer
RN Beach Commando (R.N.B.C.)

Award whilst serving in R.N.B.C. 'N2' during the landings on the Italian mainland.
London Gazette 36505, page 2128.
RN Beach Commando Memoranda No.79 dated 20 July 1944 (Extract from A.F.O.2709/44).

HALL, Robert

Able Seaman
P/JX 264076
RN Beach Commando (R.N.B.C.)
Killed in action or died of wounds

Able Seaman Robert Hall, RN Beach Commando ‘K’, died in Italy. 

Registers of Reports of Deaths - Naval Ratings / National Archives file ADM 104/131.


Leading Seaman
D/JX 201772
RN Beach Commando (R.N.B.C.)
Killed in action or died of wounds

Leading Seaman Harry Hallos died during operations at Elba [1][2]. At the time of his death RN Commandos were involved in the operation to liberate the enemy held island of Elba, codenamed Operation Brassard.

HARRIS, Ian Antrobus

Temporary Lieutenant
RN Beach Commando (R.N.B.C.)
Distinguished Service Cross (DSC)

From Gawler, South Australia. Award whilst serving in R.N.B.C. 'N1'. For outstanding skill, resolution and devotion to duty in successful landings at Anzio.
London Gazette 36505, page 2127.


Able Seaman
RN Beach Commando (R.N.B.C.)
Distinguished Service Medal (DSM)

Award whilst serving in R.N.B.C. 'G1'. For gallantry, leadership and undaunted devotion to duty under heavy and continuous fire from the enemy during landings on the Italian mainland.
London Gazette 36345, page 478.

HAYWARD, Jack Percy

Able Seaman
P/JX 195377
RN Beach Commando (R.N.B.C.)
Killed in action or died of wounds

Able Seaman Jack Hayward died during operations at Elba [1][2]. At the time of his death RN Commandos were involved in the operation to liberate the enemy held island of Elba, codenamed Operation Brassard.

HILLS, Leonard Matthew

Stoker 1st Class
P/KX 139728
RN Beach Commando (R.N.B.C.)
Killed in action or died of wounds

Stoker Leonard Hills died during operations at Elba. Son of Edward Thomas Hills and Sarah Annie Hills, of Portchester, Hampshire [1][2]. At the time of his death RN Commandos were involved in the operation to liberate the enemy held island of Elba, codenamed Operation Brassard.


RN Beach Commando (R.N.B.C.)
Sub-Lieutenant Hodges served at some stage with 'W' Commando (Canadian). See Linked Content below.
Victualling Record entries

10.03.1942 volunteered aged 19 and assigned to HMS Collingwood as an Ordinary Seaman, with official number: JX327192.

HONEYWOOD, Douglas Alan

Able Seaman
D/JX 216869
RN Beach Commando (R.N.B.C.)
Killed in action or died of wounds

Able Seaman Douglas Honeywood died during operations at Elba [1][2]. At the time of his death RN Commandos were involved in the operation to liberate the enemy held island of Elba, codenamed Operation Brassard.

HOUGH, James

Petty Officer
D/SSX 14392
RN Beach Commando (R.N.B.C.)
Killed in action or died of wounds
Petty Officer James Hough, RN Beach Commando 'L', was killed during operations at Walcheren.

HUGMAN, Henry Kent

Able Seaman
RN Beach Commando (R.N.B.C.)
Killed in action or died of wounds

Able Seaman Henry Hugman died during operations at Elba [1][2].  At the time of his death RN Commandos were involved in the operation to liberate the enemy held island of Elba, codenamed Operation Brassard.

KENT, Douglas Thomas

Temporary Sub-Lieutenant
RN Beach Commando (R.N.B.C.)
Distinguished Service Cross (DSC)
Bar to the Distinguished Service Cross
Sub-Lieutenant Douglas Kent, RNBC 'C', was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for gallant and distinguished service in the successful Combined Operations on the enemy-occupied coast in the Boulogne Area [1][2].


Able Seaman
RN Beach Commando (R.N.B.C.)
Mentioned in Despatches

Award whilst serving in R.N.B.C. 'H'. For outstanding services in planning and carrying out an operation in the Arakan in close co-operation with the Army. 
London Gazette 36593, page 3146.

LAMB, Robert Charlton

Leading Seaman
P/SSX 20523
RN Beach Commando (R.N.B.C.)
Mentioned in Despatches

Award whilst serving in R.N.B.C. 'N1' during the landings on the Italian mainland.
London Gazette 36505, page 2128.
RN Beach Commando Memoranda No.79 dated 20 July 1944 (Extract from A.F.O.2709/44).

LEEKE, Henry George

Temporary Lieutenant
RN Beach Commando (R.N.B.C.)
Mentioned in Despatches

Award whilst serving in R.N.B.C. 'H'. For outstanding services in planning and carrying out an operation in the Arakan in close co-operation with the Army. 
London Gazette 36593, page 3145.

MALYON, Charles Frederick

Able Seaman (Acting Leading Seaman)
RN Beach Commando (R.N.B.C.)
Distinguished Service Medal (DSM)
Award whilst serving in R.N.B.C. 'H'. For gallantry in carrying a wounded man to safety under shell and machine gun fire during operations in the Arakan.
London Gazette 36593, page 3145.

MARTIN, Thomas Leslie

RN Beach Commando (R.N.B.C.)
Distinguished Service Cross (DSC)

Award whilst serving in R.N.B.C. 'G1'. For gallantry, leadership and undaunted devotion to duty under heavy and continuous fire from the enemy during landings on the Italian mainland.
London Gazette 36345, page 478.


Able Seaman
C/JX 407081
RN Beach Commando (R.N.B.C.)
Killed in action or died of wounds

Able Seaman George McGrann, RN Beach Commando 'A', died during operations to liberate the enemy held island of Elba, codenamed Operation Brassard. The operation was launched from the island of Corsica. Son of William and Bertha McGrann, of Birkenhead. 

MCKINLAY, Ronald Harry George

Ronald McKinlay Naval Commando
Petty Officer (later Chief Petty Officer)
RN Beach Commando (R.N.B.C.)
Conspicuous Gallantry Medal (CGM)
Queen's Commendation for Brave Conduct
Petty Officer Ronald McKinlay, RNBC 'P', was awarded the Conspicuous Gallantry Medal for his gallantry during operations on 6 June 1944 [1][2].

MOONEY, Edward

Able Seaman
P/JX 175361
RN Beach Commando (R.N.B.C.)
Killed in action or died of wounds
Able Seaman Edward Mooney, RN Beach Commando 'P', died during operations at Normandy [1].  Beach Commando 'P' was

MORAN, Patrick

Leading Seaman
RN Beach Commando (R.N.B.C.)
Mentioned in Despatches
Killed in action or died of wounds
Leading Seaman Patrick Moran, RN Beach Commando 'S', died during operations in Normandy. He received a posthumous Mention in Despatches.
London Gazette 36676, page 4008.

MURRAY, William John

Able Seaman
P/JX 198136
RN Beach Commando (R.N.B.C.)
Killed in action or died of wounds

Able Seaman William Murray died during operations at Elba [1][2]. At the time of his death RN Commandos were involved in the operation to liberate the enemy held island of Elba, codenamed Operation Brassard.

NICHOLL, Hugh Rowley Mount

RN Beach Commando (R.N.B.C.)
Distinguished Service Order (DSO)
Distinguished Service Cross (DSC)
Mentioned in Despatches
Commander Hugh Nicholl served with 'G' Beach Commando [1][6][7]
  • 20 January 1941 (Acting Commander) appointed Distinguished Service Order for coolness, skill and devotion to duty while serving in the Mediterranean [2].

NORWOOD, Roger Curtis

RN Beach Commando (R.N.B.C.)

Award whilst serving in R.N.B.C. 'K1' in operations which led to successful landings on the Italian mainland and at Salerno.
London Gazette 36526, page 2356.
RN Beach Commando Memoranda No.79 dated 20 July 1944 (Extract from A.F.O.2822/44).

O'NEILL, John Joseph

Able Seaman
D/JX 176642
RN Beach Commando (R.N.B.C.)
Killed in action or died of wounds

Able Seaman John O'Neill died during operations at Elba [1][2]. At the time of his death RN Commandos were involved in the operation to liberate the enemy held island of Elba, codenamed Operation Brassard.


Temporary Lieutenant
RN Beach Commando (R.N.B.C.)
Mentioned in Despatches

Award whilst serving in R.N.B.C. 'K2' in operations which led to successful landings on the Italian mainland and at Salerno.
London Gazette 36526, page 2356.
RN Beach Commando Memoranda No.79 dated 20 July 1944 (Extract from A.F.O.2822/44).

PARSONS, Victor William Robert

Able Seaman
RN Beach Commando (R.N.B.C.)
Distinguished Service Medal (DSM)

Able Seaman Victor Parsons, RNBC 'O', was awarded the Distinguished Service Medal for distinguished service in operations carried out in the face of determined opposition from the enemy, which led to the capture of the island of Elba.

PEASLEY, Edward John

Leading Seaman
P/JX 166792
RN Beach Commando (R.N.B.C.)
Royal Navy
Mentioned in Despatches
Died on active service
Leading Seaman Edward Peasley, RN Beach Commando 'H', died by drowning in a diving accident in Genoa, Italy [1][1a][2][Notes B].
Son of Albert Edward and Margaret Dorothy Peasley, of Banstead, Surrey [1].

PHIBBS, David Kenneth

Temporary Lieutenant
RN Beach Commando (R.N.B.C.)
Distinguished Service Medal (DSM)
Mentioned in Despatches
Lieutenant David Phibbs, RNBC 'A', received a Mention in Despatches for distinguished service in operations carried out in the face of determined opposition from the enemy, which led to the capture of the island of Elba [1][3].

PIRKS, Edward Henry

Petty Officer
RN Beach Commando (R.N.B.C.)
Mentioned in Despatches

Award whilst serving in R.N.B.C. 'H'. For outstanding services in planning and carrying out an operation in the Arakan in close co-operation with the Army. 
London Gazette 36593, page 3145.


Able Seaman
D/JX 212917
RN Beach Commando (R.N.B.C.)
Killed in action or died of wounds

Able Seaman Fred Pomfret died during operations at Elba [1][2].  At the time of his death RN Commandos were involved in the operation to liberate the enemy held island of Elba, codenamed Operation Brassard.


Able Seaman
RN Beach Commando (R.N.B.C.)
Mentioned in Despatches

Award whilst serving in R.N.B.C. 'M2' in operations which led to successful landings on the Italian mainland and at Salerno.
London Gazette 36526, page 2359.
RN Beach Commando Memoranda No.79 dated 20 July 1944 (Extract from A.F.O.2822/44).

PUDNEY, Arthur William

Able Seaman
RN Beach Commando (R.N.B.C.)
Mentioned in Despatches

Award whilst serving in R.N.B.C. 'K3' in operations which led to successful landings on the Italian mainland and at Salerno.
London Gazette 36526, page 2359.
RN Beach Commando Memoranda No.79 dated 20 July 1944 (Extract from A.F.O.2822/44).

SCOTT-WILSON, James Alfred

Temporary Acting Lieutenant Commander
RN Beach Commando (R.N.B.C.)
Distinguished Service Cross (DSC)
Bar to the Distinguished Service Cross
Lieutenant Commander James Alfred Scott-Wilson D.S.C., RNBC 'F', was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for gallant and distinguished service and untiring devotion to duty in operations which led to the capture of Sicily by Allied forces [1][3].

SEATON, Raymond Henry

Acting Petty Officer
RN Beach Commando (R.N.B.C.)
Distinguished Service Medal (DSM)

Acting Petty Officer Raymond Henry Seaton, RNBC 'Nan 3', was awarded the Distinguished Service Medal for gallant and distinguished service and untiring devotion to duty in operations which led to the capture of Sicily by Allied forces.

SEELY, Harry

Temporary Lieutenant
RN Beach Commando (R.N.B.C.)
Distinguished Service Cross (DSC)

Awarded the Distinguished Service Cross whilst serving in R.N.B.C. 'M3'. For outstanding courage, resolution, leadership, skill or devotion to duty in operations which led to successful landings on the Italian mainland and at Salerno.

SIMS, Raymond Thomas Henry

Petty Officer
RN Beach Commando (R.N.B.C.)
Distinguished Service Medal (DSM)

Awarded the Distinguished Service Medal whilst serving in R.N.B.C. 'K3'. For outstanding courage, resolution, leadership, skill or devotion to duty in operations which led to successful landings on the Italian mainland and at Salerno.

SLYFIELD, Malcolm David

Able Seaman
RN Beach Commando (R.N.B.C.)
Distinguished Service Medal (DSM)

Able Seaman Malcolm Slyfield, RNBC 'A', was awarded the Distinguished Service Medal for distinguished service in operations carried out in the face of determined opposition from the enemy, which led to the capture of the island of Elba.

SMITH, Francis Sidney

Petty Officer
RN Beach Commando (R.N.B.C.)
Distinguished Service Medal (DSM)

Petty Officer Francis Smith, RNBC 'A', was awarded the Distinguished Service Medal for distinguished service in operations carried out in the face of determined opposition from the enemy, which led to the capture of the island of Elba.

SOALL, John James

Able Seaman
P/JX 329518
RN Beach Commando (R.N.B.C.)
Killed in action or died of wounds
Able Seaman John Soall, RN Beach Commando 'K', died during operations at Salerno, Italy.
Husband of Frances Maud Soall, of Enfield, Middlesex [1][2].
[1] C.W.G.C.

STANLEY, Wallace Victor

Acting Temporary Petty Officer
C/JX 241463
RN Beach Commando (R.N.B.C.)
Distinguished Service Medal (DSM)
Petty Officer Wallace Stanley, RNBC 'A', was awarded the Distinguished Service Medal for distinguished service in operations carried out in the face of determined opposition from the enemy, which led to the capture of the island of Elba.


Thomas Stevenson RN Commando
Leading Seaman
RN Beach Commando (R.N.B.C.)
21.12.1939 volunteered at Portsmouth.
26.01.1940 to 21.06.1940 Ordinary Seaman.
22.06.1940 to 25.02.1943 Able Seaman.
26.02.1943 to 01.04.1943 Able Seaman, HMS Victory.
02.04.1943 to 17.04.1943 Able Seaman, HMS Excellent.

TAYLOR, Thomas William

Able Seaman
RN Beach Commando (R.N.B.C.)
Mentioned in Despatches

Award whilst serving in R.N.B.C. 'K3' in operations which led to successful landings on the Italian mainland and at Salerno.
London Gazette 36526, page 2359.
RN Beach Commando Memoranda No.79 dated 20 July 1944 (Extract from A.F.O.2822/44).

THACKRAY, Dennis Charles

Able Seaman
P/JX 384364
RN Beach Commando (R.N.B.C.)
Killed in action or died of wounds
Able Seaman Dennis Thackray died during operations at Elba [1][2]. At the time of his death RN Commandos were involved in the operation to liberate the enemy held island of Elba, codenamed Operation Brassard.

THOMAS, William Newell

Able Seaman
D/JX 417120
RN Beach Commando (R.N.B.C.)
Able Seaman William Thomas died during operations at Elba. Son of Edward John and Rose May Thomas, of Ogmore Vale, Glamorgan [1][2]. At the time of his death RN Commandos were involved in the operation to liberate the enemy held island of Elba, codenamed Operation Brassard.

TIDDER, Alfred

Leading Seaman
D/JX 157419
RN Beach Commando (R.N.B.C.)
Killed in action or died of wounds

Leading Seaman Alfred Tidder died during operations at Elba [1][2]. At the time of his death RN Commandos were involved in the operation to liberate the enemy held island of Elba, codenamed Operation Brassard.

TURNBULL, William, R.

Able Seaman
D/JX 365991
RN Beach Commando (R.N.B.C.)
Killed in action or died of wounds

Able Seaman William Turnbull during operations at Elba [1][2]. At the time of his death RN Commandos were involved in the operation to liberate the enemy held island of Elba, codenamed Operation Brassard [3].

TURTON, Thomas James

Thomas James Turton Beach Commando
RN Beach Commando (R.N.B.C.)
Mentioned in Despatches

Lieutenant Thomas Turton RNVR was the Beach Master of N3 Party of Nan RN Beach Commando. Mentioned in Despatches for gallant and distinguished service and untiring devotion to duty in operations which led to the capture of Sicily by Allied forces.


Temporary Acting Lieutenant
RN Beach Commando (R.N.B.C.)
Mentioned in Despatches
Assistant Beachmaster of 'N2' Party of Nan RN Beach Commando. Mentioned in Despatches for outstanding skill, resolution and devotion to duty in successful landings at Anzio, Italy.
London Gazette 36505, page 2127.

VEAL, Herbert Victor

Temporary Sub-Lieutenant
RN Beach Commando (R.N.B.C.)
Distinguished Service Cross (DSC)

Awarded the Distinguished Service Cross whilst serving in R.N.B.C. 'K3'. For outstanding courage, resolution, leadership, skill or devotion to duty in operations which led to successful landings on the Italian mainland and at Salerno.

WELSH, William McNaughton

Able Seaman
C/JX 367104
RN Beach Commando (R.N.B.C.)
Killed in action or died of wounds

Able Seaman William Welsh died during operations at Elba [1][2]. At the time of his death RN Commandos were involved in the operation to liberate the enemy held island of Elba, codenamed Operation Brassard.


Able Seaman
P/JX 382818
RN Beach Commando (R.N.B.C.)
Killed in action or died of wounds

Able Seaman John Whittington died during operations at Elba [1][2]. At the time of his death RN Commandos were involved in the operation to liberate the enemy held island of Elba, codenamed Operation Brassard.

WOOD, Maurice Arthur Ponsonby

Padre / Chaplain
RN Beach Commando (R.N.B.C.)
48RM Commando
44RM Commando
Distinguished Service Cross (DSC)
1943 RNVR Chaplain; 6 June 1944 Normandy, RN Chaplain with the Royal Naval Beach Commandos, awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for gallantry, skill, determination and undaunted devotion to duty during the landing of Allied Forces on the coast of Normandy; attached 48 RM Commando at Pont L'

WOOD, Sydney

Able Seaman
P/JX 296624
RN Beach Commando (R.N.B.C.)
RN Beach Commando R2
Killed in action or died of wounds

Able Seaman Sydney Wood, RN Beach Commando ‘R2’,  died during Operations at Normandy.[Source: CWGC]  


Able Seaman
RN Beach Commando (R.N.B.C.)
Distinguished Service Medal (DSM)

Able Seaman Cyril Woodall, RNBC 'O', was awarded the Distinguished Service Medal for distinguished service in operations carried out in the face of determined opposition from the enemy, which led to the capture of the island of Elba.

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