Stalag 111-A (3A), Luckenwalde Germany
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Displaying 1 - 21 of 21AIREY, John
BAUGH, Basil Lancelot
BEAUMONT, William Blair
James Bowman, a Bricklayer from Cullybackey, County Antrim, enlisted into the Royal Marines on 9 June 1941. He volunteered for the first RM Commando unit raised in February 1942. Marine Bowman was wounded 19 August 1942 and a prisoner of war after Operation Jubilee at Dieppe, France.
BURKE, Patrick Oliver
BUSHE, Patrick
CANTLEY, William, J.
- 4 October 1939 enlisted aged 33.
- 12 October 1940 attached No.7 Commando
CARROLL, John Joseph
ELLIOTT, Alfred John
Private Alfred Elliott, 3 Troop, received a Mention in Despatches in recognition of gallant and distinguished service during the Commando raid at St Nazaire on 28/29 March 1942.
FAHY, James
FARRINGTON, John Beddell
FERGUSON, William John
Corporal William Ferguson was reported missing 28 March 1942 after Operation Chariot at St. Nazaire, later found to have been wounded and taken prisoner of war. He had embarked on board HMS Campbeltown for the raid.
HINDMARSH, George Peel
HUGHES, Desmond Anthony
JARVIS, Charles Jack
Casualty Lists / National Archives file WO417/27.
Prisoners of War / National Archives file WO392/1 (Stalag 3A).
MCGARRY, Charles
Private Charles McGarry was reported wounded and missing 6 January 1943 during operations in North Africa, later found to be a prisoner of war.
MOLLOY, Joseph
O'SHEA, James Andrew
WILSON, John Eric
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