Stalag 111-A (3A), Luckenwalde Germany

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No 3 Commando
Gloucestershire Regiment
John Airey enlisted 15 January 1942 aged 19, civil occupation Clerk. He later volunteered for the Commandos. Private Airey, No.3 Commando, was reported missing 7 June 1944 during operations at Normandy later confirmed a prisoner of war. Resided Liverpool after repatriation in 1945.

BAUGH, Basil Lancelot

Acting Temporary Troop Sergeant Major
1 Special Service (Commando) Brigade
45RM Commando
Royal Marines
Basil Lancelot Baugh enlisted into the Royal Marines on 25 May 1934. Corporal (Acting Troop Sergeant Major) Baugh, 1st Special Service Brigade, was wounded and a prisoner of war on 12 June 1944 during operations near the River Orne, Normandy.

BEAUMONT, William Blair

52ME Commando
Black Watch
Died on war service
Private William Beaumont, 52 Middle East Commando ('D' Bn., Layforce), died in Germany whilst a prisoner of war. He had been reported missing on 1 June 1941 during operations in Crete. Son of Alex and Margaret Pearce Beaumont, of Cardenden, Fife.


40RM Commando
Royal Marines

James Bowman, a Bricklayer from Cullybackey, County Antrim, enlisted into the Royal Marines on 9 June 1941. He volunteered for the first RM Commando unit raised in February 1942. Marine Bowman was wounded 19 August 1942 and a prisoner of war after Operation Jubilee at Dieppe, France. 

BURKE, Patrick Oliver

No 1 Commando
Royal Army Medical Corps
Patrick Oliver Burke, a Hairdresser from Youghal, County Cork, enlisted 5 May 1939. Private Burke, R.A.M.C. attached No.1 Commando, was reported missing 6 December 1942 during operations at Bizerte, Tunisia, later confirmed wounded 3 December 1942 and a prisoner of war.

BUSHE, Patrick

Paddy Bushe 2 Commando
No 2 Commando
Royal Ulster Rifles
Patrick Bushe from Co. Tipperary, enlisted 12 November 1938, formerly employed as a Labourer. Rifleman Bushe, 6 Troop, was reported missing 28 March 1942 after Operation Chariot at St. Nazaire, later found to be a prisoner of war. Embarked for the raid on motor launch ML 177.

CANTLEY, William, J.

No 7 Commando
Royal Engineers
Corporal William Cantley was reported missing in Crete on 2 June 1941, later found to be a prisoner of war.
  • 4 October 1939 enlisted aged 33.
  • 12 October 1940 attached No.7 Commando 

CARROLL, John Joseph

No 2 Commando
Royal Fusiliers
Fusilier John Carroll, 3 Troop, was reported missing 28 March 1942 after Operation Chariot at St. Nazaire, later found to be a prisoner of war. He had embarked on ML 177.

ELLIOTT, Alfred John

No 2 Commando
Kings Regiment (Liverpool)
Mentioned in Despatches

Private Alfred Elliott, 3 Troop, received a Mention in Despatches in recognition of gallant and distinguished service during the Commando raid at St Nazaire on 28/29 March 1942.

FAHY, James

No 2 Commando
King's Regiment (Liverpool)
James Fahy, a Van Driver from Limerick, Eire, enlisted into the Armed Forces in August 1938, later volunteering for the Commandos. Private Fahy, No.2 Commando 4 troop, embarked on Motor Launch ML 177 for Operation Chariot, the raid at St Nazaire on 28 March 1942.

FARRINGTON, John Beddell

John Beddell Farrington
Private (Acting Lance Corporal)
No 4 Commando
Royal Warwickshire Regiment
British Empire Medal (BEM)
Lance Corporal John Farrington was reported missing on 2 June 1941 during operations at Crete with Layforce. He was held as a prisoner in both Germany and Poland, and later awarded the British Empire Medal (Military Division) for his numerous escapes from different camps.

FERGUSON, William John

No 12 Commando
Royal Armoured Corps

Corporal William Ferguson was reported missing 28 March 1942 after Operation Chariot at St. Nazaire, later found to have been wounded and taken prisoner of war. He had embarked on board HMS Campbeltown for the raid.

HINDMARSH, George Peel

Lance Corporal
52ME Commando
Coldstream Guards
Lance Corporal George Hindmarsh from Newcastle upon Tyne was reported missing on 2 June 1941 during operations in Crete, later confirmed captured 1 June 1941. His Commando at the time formed part of 'D' Battalion of Layforce. George enlisted on 6 June 1938.

HUGHES, Desmond Anthony

No 3 Commando
Welch Regiment
Gloucestershire Regiment
Military Medal (MM)
Desmond Anthony Hughes, a Clerk from London, enlisted on 15 January 1940 and later volunteered for commando service. Corporal Hughes, No.3 Commando, was awarded the Military Medal in recognition of gallant and distinguished service in the field. He had been recommended twice for the award.

JARVIS, Charles Jack

No 2 Commando
Royal Ulster Rifles
Rifleman Jarvis, 3 Troop, embarked on HMS Campbeltown for the raid at St. Nazaire on 28 March 1942. Reported wounded and missing, later found to be a prisoner of war.


King's Regiment
Owen Larney from Dublin enlisted 4 May 1940. Private Larney attached Layforce was reported wounded and missing June 1941 during operations in Crete, later confirmed prisoner of war. Initially taken to 5 AGH (Athens General Hospital) before being transported to German Stalags.


52ME Commando
Royal Sussex Regiment 1st Bn.
Private Hugh Martin was reported missing 2 June 1941 during operations at Crete, later found to be a prisoner of war.
Casualty Lists / National Archives file WO417/27.
Prisoners of War / National Archives file WO392/1 (Stalag 3A).

MOLLOY, Joseph

No 12 Commando
Royal Ulster Rifles
Corporal Joseph Molloy was reported missing 28 March 1942 after Operation Chariot at St. Nazaire, later found to be a prisoner of war. He was one of the commando contingent who embarked on HMS Campbeltown.

WILSON, John Eric

No 3 Commando
Royal Army Service Corps
John Eric Wilson, a Commercial Traveller from Blackpool, enlisted 4 April 1939. Driver Wilson later volunteered for the Commandos and was attached to No.3 Commando.

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