JONES, Ethan

Marine Recruit
Unit / Base: 
'Commando Training Centre RM'
Royal Marines
Royal Navy
Died : 
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Ethan Jones
Marine Recruit Ethan Jones, 282 Troop, died in a training accident whilst practising an assault from a landing craft on Tregantle beach, Cornwall. He was in the last phase of the 32 weeks training.
Corporal Dave Wright, his section commander, said his attitude was "consistently noted in training. As an example, during an exercise, the troop were fatigued, yet Jones took it upon himself to place his equipment down at the top of a hill, go back down and carry the kit of a fellow recruit who was struggling with an injury. He is a true loss to the Royal Marines as he would have inevitably achieved much within his career. Recruit Jones was the embodiment of what a Commando should be."
Royal Navy.
Somerset Live online.
[Image] BBC News online.
Primary Roll of Honour: 

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