Military Mission 204

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BALLANTYNE, Alexander A.

Lance Corporal
No 11 Commando
Special Service Detachment 2
Queens Own Cameron Highlanders
Lance Corporal Alexander Ballantyne was wounded 9 June 1941 during operations with No.11 Commando at Litani River. After recovering he was assigned from the Commando to Middle East Detachment 2, later redesignated 2nd Special Service Detachment (SSD 2) and was killed in Burma.

BUTTON, Gordon

Middle East Commando
Durham Light Infantry 1st Bn.
Died on war service
3 February 1942 serving in No.1 Special Service Detachment at Taunngyi Southern Shan States, Burma.

Casualty Lists WO417/57.

CHAPMAN, Alfred James

Lance Corporal
50ME Commando
British Military Mission 204
Royal Artillery
Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Regiment
1937 attested into the Royal Artillery [1].
27 March 1938 transferred to Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Regiment [1].
29 May 1941 wounded during operations in Crete whilst attached to Layforce [2].

COULDREY, Edwin Robert

No 8 Commando
Royal Artillery
Killed in action or died of wounds
Bombardier Edwin Couldrey, Special Service Detachment*, was reported missing 18 August 1942, later confirmed as having died, during operations in Burma. Royal Artillery Casualty Cards record his death as a battle casualty. He has no known grave.

ELSE, John

No 7 Commando
Devonshire Regiment
Died on war service
Sergeant John Else was accidentally killed in India. Son of Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Else, of Bobbers Mill, Nottingham.
Casualty Lists / National Archives file WO417/59.

FLAHERTY, Robert Henry

No 8 Commando
52ME Commando
Special Service Detachment 2
Post war member of the Burma Star Association and the Commando Association residing in California, USA.
Addendum to Obituaries in Commando Association newsletter 89 (1989).

GILLINGHAM, Reginald John

Company Quartermaster Sergeant
Royal Armoured Corps
Company Quartermaster Sergeant Reginald Gillingham was reported missing presumed died during operations in Burma on 19 June 1942, his secondary unit recorded as 'B' Bn., Layforce on each of the casualty listings. He has no known grave.

GOODE, Frederick Charles

Frederick Charles Goode SSD2
No 8 Commando
Middle East Commando
Special Service Detachment 2
Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry

Corporal Goode from Birmingham was captured on 3 August 1942 during operations in Burma with Special Service Detachment 2. Previously served with the Commandos in the Middle East. Liberated from Rangoon Jail in 1945.


Middle East Commando
British Military Mission 204
York and Lancaster Regiment
Killed in action or died of wounds
Private Harry Hancock, 'C' Bn Layforce, was reported missing 9 June 1941 during operations at Litani River, Syria, later reported no longer missing.


Corporal Robert Johnston 11 Commando
No 11 Commando
Queens Own Cameron Highlanders
Died on active service
Corporal Robert Johnston died of exhaustion and malaria whilst assigned from the Commando to Middle East Detachment 2, later redesignated 2nd Special Service Detachment (SSD 2), in Burma. He has no known grave.

LACEY, Leonard Frank

No 8 Commando
British Military Mission 204
Somerset Light Infantry
Died on active service
Private Leonard Lacey died whilst a prisoner of war. He had been posted from the Commando to Middle East Detachment 2, later redesignated 2nd Special Service Detachment (SSD 2), in Burma. He has no known grave. Son of Edward James Lacey and Louise Rose Lacey.


50ME Commando
British Military Mission 204
Royal Armoured Corps
Died on war service
Trooper Arthur Lockington, assigned from the Commando to Middle East Detachment 2, later redesignated 2nd Special Service Detachment (SSD 2), died in Burma. He has no known grave.

MANFORD, Francis Stanley

Captain Francis Manford
Captain (later Major)
No 5 Commando
Durham Light Infantry
Died on war service
Captain Francis Stanley Manford served in No 5 Commando until 1942. He then left the Commando and joined Mission 204. From there he became an instructor to 77 Brigade – the Chindits.. In 1944 having now joined the S.O.E.

MILMAN, John Alexander Ralph

Lt. Colonel John Alexander Ralph Milman
Major (Temporary Lieutenant Colonel)
52ME Commando
British Military Mission 204
Highland Light Infantry (City of Glasgow Regiment)
Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE)
Mentioned in Despatches
Lieutenant Colonel John Milman, Commander, 1 Special Service Detachment, 204 Military Mission, was appointed O.B.E. (Military Division) in recognition of gallant and distinguished service in Burma [1][2].

NICHOLLS, Frank Raymond Jocelyn

No 7 Commando
Special Service Detachment 1
Royal Artillery
Mentioned in Despatches
Killed in action or died of wounds
Captain Frank Nicholls, No 7 Commando and Layforce, died whilst attached to No 1 Special Service Detachment. He has no known grave. Son of Mrs. A. M. Connell, of West Brompton, London.

REDWOOD, Albert C.

No 7 Commando
Dorsetshire Regiment
Killed in action or died of wounds
Sergeant Albert Redwood died [1] having left the Commando and joined Force 136, the S.O.E.  At the time of his death he was part of Operation Ramrose, team Fox at Myothit - Irrawaddy. 


WO2 Company Sergeant Major
No 8 Commando
Royal Armoured Corps
Killed in action or died of wounds
Company Sergeant Major Arthur Richardson was reported missing presumed killed in action during operations in Burma.

SCANES, Lewis Ralph

No 8 Commando
1st Royal Dragoons Royal Armoured Corps
Died on war service
Trooper Lewis Scanes was reported missing presumed died during operations in Burma on or shortly after 19 June 1942, his secondary unit shown simply as "Commando" on each of the casualty lists. Son of Henry Frederick and Mary Charlotte Scanes, of Dagenham, Essex.[1][2].

SEYMOUR, William Napier

William Seymour 52 Middle East Commando
52ME Commando
Scots Guards
Mentioned in Despatches
Adjutant of 52 Middle East Commando in Sudan and Ethiopia, and Adjutant 'D' Bn. Layforce, although did not participate at Crete due to an injury. Later joined Middle East contingents to the Far East to be part of Mission 204.

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