DANELLS, Peter John Godfrey
Primary tabs
Known as:
Unit / Base:
40 Commando RM
Royal Marines
Royal Navy
RM 19528
Saturday, August 16, 1941
Died :
Thursday, November 4, 1965
Killed in action or died of wounds
Local Roll of Honour:
Corporal Peter Danells died [1] when struck on the temple by a piece of shrapnel during a cross border operation (Op. Claret) in Sarawak [2]. The patrol came under small arms and mortar fire. Peter was hit by mortar bomb shrapnel and was carried back across the border by the section [3].
Obituary published in the Globe and Laurel [4]
"Corporal Danells joined the Corps in March 1960 at the age of 18½. He served on board HMS Loch Lomond in the Persian Gulf in 1961 and 1962, then at 43 Commando and ITCRM until he joined 40 Commando, RM, in August 1964, having been promoted Corporal the previous month.
He became section commander of 5 Troop, 'B' Company and very quickly built up an extremely happy and efficient section. He was a most likeable man with a charming personality, and always had a ready smile. It was obvious that the future of Cpl Danells in the Corps was bright and he was working hard to obtain a Short Service Commission.
On 4th November his was the leading section when his troop was attacked by a party of Indonesians near the border in the Serian District of Sarawak. He was controlling the fire of the GPMG to cover the rest of the troop who were moving into fire positions when he was seriously wounded in the head by fragments of a mortar bomb and he died shortly after.
To his widow Judy and to Amanda Jane, his six week old daughter whom he had never seen, goes our sincere and deepest sympathy" [4].
[1] AFM ROH.
[2] Online Publication Soldier an' Sailor Too [view].
[3][image 1] Vic Balsdon 3 Cdo. Bde. RM.
[4] Royal Marines Globe & Laurel magazine, Christmas 1965 edition.
[Image 2] Peter's widow Judy.
Primary Roll of Honour:
Photo of Commando in Gallery:
Photo of grave in Gallery:
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