WEBB, Michael Hinton
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Captain (later Honorary Major)
Unit / Base:
2 Commando
South African Union Defence Force
Honours & Awards:
Monday, June 6, 1921
Place died:
Westminster, London
Captain Michael Webb, M.C., No.2 Commando, was awarded a Bar to his Military Cross for gallantry during operations at Spilje, Albania (Operation Healing 2) [1][1a].
Recommendation [1a].
"Captain Webb was in command of a force of 2 Troops, which had to attack a series of strongly defended houses and machine gun posts. Throughout the action, Captain Webb’s cool, brilliant leadership, his complete unconcern at all times for his own safety, and his infectious aggressive spirit were an inspiration to all ranks. He led several assaults himself, continually urging and encouraging his men, and set a fine example, destroying the enemy himself wherever possible. During the heat of the attack he personally rallied his troops and led them on to the final assault. The success of this attack was very largely due to his dash and determination.
Later Captain Webb’s force was called to assist other Troops, who were held up, and again, despite the increasing numbers of snipers lying up in vineyards, his disregard for danger was outstanding. During a difficult dis-engagement and withdrawal, Captain Webb was a tower of strength, organising and giving personally every possible assistance to evacuate a large number of casualties back to the beaches. His bravery and unflagging energy undoubtedly saved the lives of several men. Captain Webb has shown consistent bravery and capacity for leadership in actions on the Dalmation Coast, notably on BRAC, where he was recommended."
Previously awarded the Military Cross serving with 1/3rd Bn. Transvaal Scottish, Union Defence Force, South Africa [2][2a].
Recommendation [2a].
"During an enemy attack on our positions at BIR-EN-NAGHIA in CYRENAICA on the evening of 28 May 42, our forward outpost was compelled to withdraw owing to the fierceness of the attack. It was imperative for us to hold the outpost as it dominated our lines, and also the sectors held by the Battalions on our left and right. Lieutenant Webb was detailed to occupy the outpost with two sections. Under terrific shell and MG fire he reoccupied the post and successfully held it against several determined attacks during the period 28-29 May. At 0830 hours on 29 May he led an attack against the Italians who were endeavouring to dig in positions forward of his post. His personal dash and courage were an inspiration to his men and in no small way contributed to the success of the attack which resulted in the capture of over one hundred prisoners."
Post war served in the Black Watch and the Scots Guards before retiring on 27 October 1963 and granted the honorary rank of Major [3].
[1] London Gazette 36730, page 4569.
[1a] Award Recommendations / National Archives file WO 373/46/210.
[2] London Gazette 35715, page 4155.
[2a] Award Recommendations / National Archives file WO373/21/133.
[3] London Gazette 39329, page 4759; LG 39550, page 2871; and LG 43144, page 8874.
Obituaries in Commando Association newsletter 117 (2003) (rank shown as Colonel).
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