SMITH, Ian Christopher Downs
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Lieutenant (later Major)
Unit / Base:
12 Commando
10 Commando
Royal Army Service Corps
Honours & Awards:
Thursday, April 22, 1920
Keynsham nr Bristol
Died :
Thursday, May 3, 2012
22.10.1939 commissioned Second Lieutenant [1].
22.04.1941 promoted Lieutenant [2].
MC Recommendation [3][3a]
On the night of 26 December 1943 the above named officer was ordered to land on the North coast of France near Criel-sur-Mer with a small force to carry out a reconnaissance involving a difficult cliff climb, and to obtain certain information. Despite the fact that enemy forces considerably superior to his own were observed, he continued coolly with his reconnaissance and obtained valuable information before withdrawing without loss to the dory. Subsequently, while retruning to the M.T.B., he was almost intercepted by a fast moving enemy convoy, which he eluded only by good judgement and skilled naviigation.
The high qualities of leadership displayed by Lieutenant Smith on this occasion have found expression in no less than eight previous operations of a similar type. At all times he has shown outstanding courage and complete disregard of his own personal safety.
The success achieved on these operations has been largely due to his determination and sense of duty; and his high standards have been an example and inspiration to his men. [Recommended by Major Peter Laycock, OC 'LAYFORCE'].
Bar to MC Recommendation [4][4a]
This officer was the commander of a military force which landed to the East of Calais on the North coast of France, on the night 16/17 May 1944, to carry out a reconnaissance of enemy beach obstacles. This operation was of the highest importance and was of an extremely hazardous nature, involving as it did a three mile approach to a heavily defended enemy coastline, by night, in an 18 foot dory, and the carrying out of a minute examination of enemy beach mines and obstacles of unknown potentialities.
During the run in, and the return passage to the parent M.T.B., Lieutenant Smith was forced to alter course on no less than four occasions in order to avoid enemy trawlers proceeding across his course. With superior navigation and seamanship, however, he succeeded in landing the force within one yard of the proposed landing point and in returning the force safely to the M.T.B. on completion of its tasks.
By his coolness and clear headed action he set an example to the other members of his force which directly influenced the success of the operation and was instrumental in obtaining vital information [Recommended by Capt. B. Hilton-Jones, OC 'HILTFORCE'].
- Also served in No.2 (Parachute) Commando at Ringway in 1940, and the Special Boat Squadron and Special Operations Executive [5][5a].
[1] London Gazette 34719, page 7251.
[2] London Gazette 35140, page 2278.
[3] London Gazette 36403, page 1042.
[3a] Award Recommendations / National Archives file WO373/94/288.
[4] London Gazette 36637, page 3605.
[4a] Award Recommendations / National Archives file WO373/95/790.
[5] SOE Personnel file / National Archives file HS 9/1379/7.
[5a] Obituary in the Daily Telegraph published 8 May 2012.
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