BIRCH, Frederick

Known as: 
Corporal (Acting Sergeant)
Unit / Base: 
7 Commando
51ME Commando
Liverpool Scottish Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders
P.O.W. number: 
Monday, June 6, 1921
Fred Birch 7 Commando
Sergeant Frederick Birch 7 Commando
Frederick Birch, a Wholesale Meat Salesman from Liverpool, enlisted on 21 August 1939 later volunteering for the commandos. Sergeant Birch served in No.7 Commando and took part in operations at Bardia and Crete before moving to 51 Middle East Commando. Attached to 'C' Bn Layforce for Operation Flipper he was captured on 19 November 1941.
Casualty Lists / National Archives files WO417/36, WO417/37, and WO417/96.
Prisoners of War / National Archives files WO392/1, WO392/11, and WO392/21.
Dir. of Mil. Int.: Liberated Prisoner of War Interrogation Questionnaire 1945/6 / National Archives file WO344/29/1.
The book 'Get Rommel' author Michael Asher.
The book 'Special Service of a Hazardous Nature', compiled by Dennis Reeves, privately published by the Liverpool Scottish Museum Trust.
Account of raid by Fred Birch in CVA Gallery.
[Images] Brian Birch (son).

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