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Temporary Lieutenant, Acting Temporary Captain
Unit / Base:
42RM Commando
Royal Marines
Royal Navy
Honours & Awards:
Captain Eric Langley was awarded the Military Cross for gallant and distinguished service at Myebon, Burma [1][2].
At Myebon on 12 January 1945 this officer gave his men, many of them in action for the first time, a magnificent example of courage and determination.
While his landing craft was negotiating the beach obstacles two shells hit it in quick succession. The craft was not armoured and the first shell decapitated a marine, covering many of the remaining occupants with blood and wounding Captain Langley and several others. He rapidly restored order and refusing to be evacuated in the craft, as was suggested by his subaltern, leapt into four feet of water and thick mud thus gravely endangering his life. He only succeeded in reaching the beach, a good 100 yards in, with the aid of two marines. He collapsed on the beach from loss of blood, but when a tourniquet had been applied he rallied and followed his Troop to their objective, where he organised the positions, insisting on going himself to the foremost posts. He had to be ordered back to the beach by the Commanding Officer in person. His men were inspired by his courage [2].
While his landing craft was negotiating the beach obstacles two shells hit it in quick succession. The craft was not armoured and the first shell decapitated a marine, covering many of the remaining occupants with blood and wounding Captain Langley and several others. He rapidly restored order and refusing to be evacuated in the craft, as was suggested by his subaltern, leapt into four feet of water and thick mud thus gravely endangering his life. He only succeeded in reaching the beach, a good 100 yards in, with the aid of two marines. He collapsed on the beach from loss of blood, but when a tourniquet had been applied he rallied and followed his Troop to their objective, where he organised the positions, insisting on going himself to the foremost posts. He had to be ordered back to the beach by the Commanding Officer in person. His men were inspired by his courage [2].
[1] London Gazette 37079, page 2527.
[2] National Archives file WO373/98/585.
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