Army Commando ROH 1962 - 2019
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Displaying 1 - 44 of 44'29 Commando Regiment RA'
The first Army Commandos were raised by a Gunner, Lt Col John Durnford-Slater RA in June 1940, following the defeat ending with the evacuation at Dunkirk, The Commandos struck at the German forces at a time when Britain was otherwise powerless. Raids were made on the coasts of Norway, France and the Mediterranean. By the time of the Normandy landings of 6 June 1944, the Commando forces were of a considerable size and had played a vital part on operations in all theatres of war.
CLARK, Ross Ashworth

COLDRON, Brian Rasen
Lance Bombardier Brian Coldron died in a road traffic accident on the road from Nee Soon Singapore to Johore Bahru.
Also died in this accident:
COLLINS, Bernard
Bombardier Bernard Collins died in a road traffic accident on the road from Nee Soon Singapore to Johore Bahru.
CUTTING, Robert Steven

Gunner Robert Cutting, aged 18, from Blackley Manchester, was shot dead at 4am whilst on foot patrol at the junction of Lepper Street and Stratheden Street, in the New Lodge area of Belfast. This was a blue on blue incident.
DANE, James Thomas
DWYER, James Edward

Lance Bombardier James Dwyer died whilst on a patrol in Southern Helmand province when the vehicle he was driving struck an anti-tank mine. [Source: MOD]
ELLIOTT, Victor John Robert
Sergeant Victor Elliott , RHQ Tp Survey Sergeant, died of his injuries after a road traffic accident on the road from Nee Soon Singapore to Johore Bahru on the 21st September 1965.
EVANS, Llywelyn Carl

Lance Bombardier Llywelyn Carl Evans died when a a US Marine Corps CH-46 Sea Knight helicopter crashed south of the Kuwait border with US and UK personnel aboard; there were no survivors.
FARRAGHER, Kieran Joseph

Warrant Officer Kieran Farragher, attached to the Special Air Service, died in a climbing accident in Botswana. He had joined the SAS in 1973 having previously served in 95 Commando and 29 Commando Regt RA.
GANDHI, Pradeep Kumar
HEHIR, Leslie Samuel

Sergeant Les Hehir died when a a US Marine Corps CH-46 Sea Knight helicopter crashed south of the Kuwait border with US and UK personnel aboard; there were no survivors.
Extract from the Aberdeen Press and Journal - Monday 12 August 1963

INCE, Geoffrey Edward
JACKSON, Warren Edward

JONES, Christopher

Sapper Christopher Jones, 59 Commando Sqn., RE, attached to 45 Commando RM, died during during operations against enemy forces dug in on the Falkland Islands mountain ridge known as Two Sisters.
LEWIS, Aaron Leslie

Lieutenant Aaron Lewis was fatally wounded by a bullet fired from outside the forward operating base Armadillo in Gereshk, Afghanistan.
MALONEY, Ronald Henry
MARTIN, Michael John

MCCARDLE, Eoghan Tom
Lieutenant Eoghan McCardle died in a road traffic collision. He was the Gun Position Officer (GPO) of 8 Alma Bty.

MELIA, Michael

MITCHELL, John Peter
O'NEILL, Michael John
Lance Bombardier Michael O'Neill, the training wing PTI, died in a road traffic accident on the road from Nee Soon Singapore to Johore Bahru.
ODAMS, Richard
Lance Bombardier Richard Odams, born in West Hartlepool Durham, died in a boating accident whilst serving with 8 Bty.
PHILIPPSON, James Anthony
Captain James Philippson served in 29 Commando Regiment RA for 3 years as his first tour and left 29 for 7 Para RHA. He died during operations in Afghanistan with 7 RHA.
POWELL, Adrian Mark
Trooper Adrian Powell died in a road traffic collision whilst serving with the SAS. He had previously served with 7 and 148 Btys. of 29 Commando Regt. RA, and 7 RHA. He died when the vehicle in which he was travelling overturned while on way to training exercises near Nairobi in Kenya.
PRIDDY, William Russell
ROFFEY, Charles David
Lieutenant Charles Roffey died in road accident in Johore Bahru Malaysia.
Report in the Birmingham Daily Post 27 December 1963.
Commando Gunner website/3845 Gnr Wilson I.F.
RUSSELL, Philip Alan
Gunner Philip Russell, 7 Bty., died in a road traffic collision.
Sources AFM ROH Commando Gunner website.SAWYER, Thomas Herbert John

SEARIGHT, Nicholas Michael Charney
SEATH, David Bernard

Captain David Seath died of a cardiac arrest whilst taking part in the 2016 London Marathon. He was a fire support team commander for 29 Commando Regiment Royal Artillery, based in Plymouth.
SMALL, Michael John
SMITH, Kevin John
Gunner Kevin Smith, 79 Bty., died in a fall from the wall of Mosta magazine in Malta.
"Whilst the rest of the detachment waited for transport up to the main magazine Smudger decided to climb up, he nearly made it when he unfortunately slipped and fell about 100 feet." *
SMITH, Michael

SWAIN, Ivor William

TATE, Albert Seaton
TINNION, Bradley

WALMSLEY, Steven Andrew
Bombardier Steven Walmsley, 23 HQ Bty, 29 Commando, died at the Royal Citadel shortly after receiving his promotion.
Sources AFM ROH Media online wigantoday.netWILL, Douglas Leslie
Lance Bombardier Douglas Will, 8 Alma Bty., died in a road traffic collison.
Sources AFM ROH Commando Gunner website.WRIGHT, Barry Robert
YATES, Alan Henry
Mentioned in Despatches in recognition of gallant and distinguished service with 3 Commando Brigade Royal Marines in Malaya during the period 1st January to 30th June 1952.
London Gazette 39675, page 5528.
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