Plymouth, Weston Mill Crematorium
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Displaying 1 - 20 of 20AGNEW, John William
BAILEY, Paul Martin
BAINBRIDGE, Robin Christopher

Corporal David Beatson was serving at RMB Stonehouse at the time of his death.
Marine Dean Carter died when he slipped off a cliff top footpath near Plymouth. His body was found near Stoke Beach and he is believed to have slipped when part of the footpath collapsed.
Navy News published 1st August 1995.

Colour Sergeant John Cecil, UK Landing Force Command Support Group, died in a helicopter crash.
CHEETHAM, Gerald Norman
Colour Sergeant Gerald Cheetham died in service, cause unknown to this archive [Source: AFM ROH].
DICKINSON, Stevan James

Marine Stevan Dickinson died from injuries received after falling down a bank onto a bamboo stake when off duty in Hong Kong.
MACDONALD, Andrew Peter John
Lieutenant Andrew Macdonald, HQ, 3 Commando Bde. RM, died during a joint training exercise in Northern Scotland. He was on board a helicopter operating from HMS Intrepid when it crashed. Also killed were Lieut.
MACKIN, Travis

Marine Travis Mackin, Communications Squadron, United Kingdom Landing Force Command Support Group, died in an ied explosion in K
MARSHALL, Robin Paul
Lance Corporal Dean Shams, REME, died whilst serving with 29 Commando, 79 Kirkee Cdo Bty. Fitter section in Belize. He slipped and fell into one of the chutes at the falls near Baldy Beacon. No one had seen him fall.
SMITH, Kelvin Richard
SPEED, Michael Edward Roy
Corporal Michael Speed died in service, cause unknown to this archive [Source: AFM ROH].
SPYBY, David Stewart
STAPLETON, Malcolm Donald
Warrant Officer Malcolm Stapleton was serving with the RM Careers Service at the time of his death. [Sources: AFM ROH / Navy News issue July 1992, p32.]
WALKER, Keith Donald
WALSH, Daniel William
WARD, David
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