Stalag XX1-A (21A), Thorn Poland
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Displaying 1 - 3 of 3FARRINGTON, John Beddell
Private (Acting Lance Corporal)
No 4 Commando
Royal Warwickshire Regiment
British Empire Medal (BEM)
Lance Corporal John Farrington was reported missing on 2 June 1941 during operations at Crete with Layforce. He was held as a prisoner in both Germany and Poland, and later awarded the British Empire Medal (Military Division) for his numerous escapes from different camps.
FROST, Terence Ernest Manitou
50ME Commando
Royal Armoured Corps
Warwickshire Yeomanry
Terence Ernest Manitou Frost, better known as the renowned artist Sir Terry Frost, was born in Leamington Spa. In November 1933 he joined the Territorial Army his profession at the time being a Commercial Traveller.
JORDA, Francisco
Also seen as:
Lance Corporal
50ME Commando
Queen's Royal Regiment
Spanish volunteer who served in 'D' Bn., Layforce. Reported missing on 2 June 1941 during operations in Crete. Later found to have been taken prisoner of war and transported to Stalag 21A at Thorn, Poland.
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