The British Soldier of the Second World War

The British Soldier in Europe 1939-45
  • Title: The British Soldier in Europe 1939-45
  • Authors: Paul Evans | Peter Doyle
  • Publisher: Crowood Press UK
  • Published Date: 2010-02-01
  • Description: World War II was one of the defining periods of British history, a six-year period that saw Britain and its Commonwealth stand united against the tyranny of the Axis powers. With the nation initially ill-prepared to engage in war, the British Soldier suffered many trials and reverses of fortune before his central role in the Allied victory in Europe. After early defeats, some British soldiers endured long years of captivity in German POW camps, while others performed the vital duty of home defense and training for the inevitable return to the continent. Accompanying each of these aspects of the war, there were various items that give insight into the soldier's experience. In many cases, these items - uniforms, insignia, weapons or ephemera - have become highly collectable. Peter Doyle and Paul Evans have put together a huge selection of objects relating to the British soldier's experience from 1939-1945.
  • Identifier: 1847971024 | 9781847971029
  • theme_hook_original: google_books_biblio

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