Forgotten Voices of The Second World War ...Max Arthur..2004

Forgotten Voices of the Second World War
  • Title: Forgotten Voices of the Second World War
  • Authors: Max Arthur
  • Publisher: Vintage
  • Published Date: 2004-01-01
  • Description: The Imperial War Museum holds a vast archive of interviews with soldiers, sailors, airmen and civilians of most nationalities who saw action during WW2. As in the highly acclaimed Forgotten Voices of the Great War, Max Arthur and his team of researchers will spend hundreds of hours digging deep into this archive, uncovering tapes, many of which have not been listened to since they were created in the early 1970s. The result will be the first complete aural history of the war. We hear at first from British, German and Commonwealth soldiers and civilians. But the impact of the American involvement after Pearl Harbour opens the book out to the war in Europe and the Far East (including compelling interviews from American and British troops who fought against the Japanese), continuing through from D-Day, to the Rhine Crossing and the dropping of the Atom Bomb in August 1945. One of the hallmarks of Max Arthur's work is the way he involves those left behind on the home front as well as those working in factories or essential services. Their voices will not be neglected.
  • Identifier: 0091897343 | 9780091897345
  • Page Count: 486
  • theme_hook_original: google_books_biblio

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