Raider (Private)
Unit / Base: 
51ME Commando
Pioneer Corps
Honours & Awards: 
Raider Sandor Landler was awarded the Military Medal in recognition of gallant and distinguished service in the Middle East.
On May 1st 1941 Raider Landler went forward with his Troop to take part in a night attack on an enemy position astride Falaga Pass. The Troop in which he was serving achieved their objective under very heavy machine gun and mortar fire.
His Troop Commander was wounded in both legs by a mortar bomb. Raider Landler undertook the dangerous and arduous task of carrying his Troop Commander down a precipitous hillside under very heavy fire. At every sound made, a machine gun opened close-range fire. 
Raider Landler with the greatest courage and disregard of personal danger, although exhausted, continued to carry his Troop Commander and would not leave him, voluntarily undertaking an arduous spell of duty as stretcher bearer.
He further displayed great courage and disregard of danger during the capture of Commando Hill on May 1st when despatched as a messenger under heavy fire.
London Gazette 35250, page  4788 & 37184, page 3760 (errata).
Award Recommendations / National Archives file WO373/28/199.

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