JOLLY, Richard Tadeusz

Surgeon Commander
Unit / Base: 
'3 Commando Brigade, Royal Marines'
'Commando Logistic Regiment RM'
Royal Navy
Monday, October 21, 1946
Died : 
Saturday, January 13, 2018
Surgeon Lieutenant Commander Richard Jolly, acting Surgeon Commander, commanded the Medical Squadron of the Commando Logistic Regiment Royal Marines during Operation Sutton in the South Atlantic May/June 1982. He also had under his operational control two surgical support teams and a parachute clearing troop. Appointed O.B.E. (Military Division) [1][2]
"During the period of Operation Sutton, Medical Squadron cared for 695 patients performing 220 major operations. Additionally over 150 Argentinian casualties were treated. During the whe whole period of the operation all our own casualties who came into the dressing station alive, left alive and the great majority are now well on the way to recovery.
Surgeon Commander Jolly performed an outstanding job commanding Medical Squadron, and many men owe their lives to his exceptional drive and dedication to duty. On 27th May the dressing station received two direct hits causing extensive damage and many casualties. Despite raging fire and two unexploded bombs Cdr. Jolly inspired his medical teams to continue working to maximum effect.
In addition Cdr. Jolly was personally responsible for the rescue of two men, in danger of being swept away in the sea, after an attack on HMS Ardent. Although dressed in shore military clothing, Surgeon Commander Jolly , who was airborne in a Casevac helicopter at the time, insidted on twice being lowered into the freezing waters of Grantham Sound. He effected the rescue of both men with the aid of the helicopter winch.
For his conspicuous gallantry and outstanding leadership, Surgeon Commander Jolly's name is submitted for the operational award of the O.B.E. Military Division" [2].
In 1998 the Argentine Government awarded him the Orden de Mayo with Merit, an honour given to “foreigners who distinguish themselves by service or personal achievement, or who have gained the nation’s gratitude”, for his work in saving the lives of many wounded Argentine soldiers and airmen [3].

17 January 1984 promoted Surgeon Commander RN [4].

[1] London Gazette 49134, page 12857.
[2] National Archives file WO373/188/405.
[3] Forces Net News report 12 Feb. 2018..
[4] London Gazette 49619, page 684.

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