Oflag XII-B (12B), Hadamar, Germany

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No 3 Commando
Gloucestershire Regiment
John Airey enlisted 15 January 1942 aged 19, civil occupation Clerk. He later volunteered for the Commandos. Private Airey, No.3 Commando, was reported missing 7 June 1944 during operations at Normandy later confirmed a prisoner of war. Resided Liverpool after repatriation in 1945.

HOWLAND, William John

Regimental Sergeant Major
Queen's Royal Regiment
28.03.1941 Regimental Sergeant Major of 'D' Bn. Layforce.
01.06.1941 prisoner of war Crete.
52 Middle East Commando War Diary 28 March 1941 (List of Oficers for 'D' Bn).

HUGHES, Desmond Anthony

No 3 Commando
Welch Regiment
Gloucestershire Regiment
Military Medal (MM)
Desmond Anthony Hughes, a Clerk from London, enlisted on 15 January 1940 and later volunteered for commando service. Corporal Hughes, No.3 Commando, was awarded the Military Medal in recognition of gallant and distinguished service in the field. He had been recommended twice for the award.

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