FERGUSON, John Ronald Alexander
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Lance Corporal
Unit / Base:
2 Commando
Independent Companies and Special Service Battalions
London Scottish
P.O.W. camps:
Honours & Awards:
Lance Corporal John Ferguson was awarded the Military Medal in recognition of gallant and distinguished service. He was one of the Commando contingent that took part in operations from HMS Triumph against the Palermo and Messina railway on the 29/30 August 1941. His party could not be re-embarked and were captured [1][3].
Captured at Acqua Mulceb, Sicily, 30 August 1941 [2].
Escaped/Liberated from PG 102, Transit camp, near Aquila, 12 September 1943. [2].
Escaped/Liberated from PG 102, Transit camp, near Aquila, 12 September 1943. [2].
"Lance Corporal Ferguson of the Special Service Military Detachment assigned to submarines at Malta, has taken part in the following landing operations against enemy railways:
a) A landing from UPRIGHT on the 28th May which resulted in the probable destruction of an enemy train, the explosion being heard but results unobserved;
b) Two landings from UNIQUE on the 29th and 30th July on the east Sicilian and south Italian CoastsP: one train was observed to be blown up, the result of the second landing could not be studied;
c) A landing from TRIUMPH on the 30th August on the north Sicilian Coast which resulted in the demolition of 120 feet of double track bridge over the River Torrente Furioso; the landing party are missing from this operation.
Lance Corporal Ferguson has shown himself to be an able, zealous, and fearless soldier, who has assisted in dangerous work with important results" [3].
[1] London Gazette 34686, page 1927
[2] National Archives WO208/5396 Escape & Evaders Report No. IT/AF/584
[3] Awards Recommendations / National Archives WO373/94
Name shown as on LG supplement. Citation records middle name as Richard.
The source at [2] above shows unit as 1 S.S. Battalion.
The source at [2] above shows unit as 1 S.S. Battalion.
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