Unit / Base: 
46RM Commando
Royal Marines
Royal Navy
CH/X 105642.
P.O.W. number: 
Honours & Awards: 
Tuesday, May 17, 1921
Redhill, Surrey
Marine Harry Charlwood 46 Commando
Harry Charlwood was a Labourer from Redhill, Surrey, who enlisted into the Royal Marines on 28 August 1941. Marine Charlwood, 'B' troop, 45RM Commando, was awarded the Military Medal for gallantry during the attack on Rots, Normandy, 11 June 1944. Wounded, captured and a prisoner of war until liberated when the prison camp was overrun by the 11th Armoured Division near Lubeck in May 1945. 
Award Recommendation
During the attack on Rots 9571 on 11th June, Mne Charlwood was wounded in the neck. Shortly afterwards fire was opened on the section from an unexpected direction at short range and he was wounded in the arm. This Marine then picked up a grenade and rushed at the enemy post shouting that he would deal with it thereby drawing all the fire to himself and enabling the remainder of the section to disengage and rejoin their troop. Mne Charlwood is missing. 
London Gazette 36846, page 5809.
Award Recommendation / National Archives file WO373/47/33.
National Archives file ADM201/111 / Royal Marines Prisoners of War.
German Record Cards of British PoWs / National Archives file WO416/63/304.
Dir. of Mil. Int.: Liberated Prisoner of War Interrogation Questionnaire 1945/6 / National Archives file WO344/60/2.
CVA 'B' Troop image in Gallery.
The Story of 46 Commando Royal Marines by Captain P.K.W. Johnson RM.
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