VOURCH, Francis Joseph Marie

Captain (later Commandant)
Unit / Base: 
10 Commando
4 Commando
Free French Forces
Honours & Awards: 
Lieutenant Francis Vourch, 8 Troop (French), was awarded the Military Cross in recognition of gallant and distinguished service during operations at Cherbourg, France.
"On the night of the 26th December 1943 the above named officer was ordered to land on the East coast of the Cotentin Peninsula with a small force to carry out a reconnaisssance and obtain certain information. The safe withdrawal of the force, unobserved by the enemy, was an important consideration.
Despite the fact that there was every indication from the start that the presence of his patrol was suspected, Lt. Vourch meticulously carried out his orders.
By his determination this officer carried out a difficult task in enemy territory, a task which was carried out in the smallest detail, and through his cool actions and personal courage he was able to withdraw his whole force without loss or casualties and to return with most valuable information."
  • Post war member of the Commando Association residing Brest, France..
Award Recommendations British to Foreign  / National Archives file WO373/95/522.
Obituaries in Command Association newsletter 85 (Sept. 1987).

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