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Temporary Captain
Unit / Base:
47RM Commando
Royal Marines
Royal Navy
Honours & Awards:
Saturday, March 18, 1922
Died :
Sunday, January 14, 1945
Killed in action or died of wounds
Captain Brian Stickings died during operations against the German held small island of Kapelsche Veer which lies between the River Maas and the River Oudermaas.
He received a posthumous Mention in Despatches for distinguished service.
He received a posthumous Mention in Despatches for distinguished service.
Son of Ralph William Ewart Stickings and Dora Sybil Stickings, of Brentwood, Essex.
Account by the Medical Officer Captain John Forfar M.C.
"Captain Stickings, 'Q' troop commander, a man of great courage and determination, led the troop into a wall of enemy fire accompanied by Corporal Tye and the troop second in command, Lieutenant Adam.
First Tye, about twenty yards from the enemy , was hit, a bullet shattering his left arm; then Stickings was hit and fell mortally wounded. As Adam took Stickings place he too was hit and killed.
Marine Greenhalgh and Marine Williams were also killed. Further progress was not possible and the remainder of the troop had to withdraw. Their ammunition was very low and they were forced to take ammuntion from casualties."
47RM Commando Medical Officer, Captain (later Professor) John Forfar MC, in his book 'From Omaha to the Scheldt'.
London Gazette 37180, page 3672.
The 1939 Register.
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