No.3 Commando 3 Troop at Limehouse 1944
3 troop No.3 Commando - Limehouse '44. Similar images are in the No.3 Commando Gallery. This photo courtesy of Paul Jennings.
Viewing left to right
Rear/Top row (13 men): 1. Dixie Dean (kia);  2. nk;  3 (standing). Clarke;  4 (standing). Bluett;  5. Gowers;  6. Barnes;  7. nk;  8. White,; 9. Harnott; 10. Hutt; 11. Freeman; 12. Edmunds; 13. Salisbury.
Middle row (16 men) : 1. McMillan;  2. Edwards; 3. nk;  4. Fred Rabbetts (kia);  5. Vincent 'Ossie' Osborne MM;  6. Sgt. Harry Lesley ‘Les’ Hill; 7. Hughes;  8. Grant;  9-11. nk; 12. Hugh Melville (kia); 13-16. nk.
Front/bottom row (15 men): 1. TSM Vernon Coaker (kia);  2. John Abbott MM;  3. Parker;  4. Dickinson;  5. Stan Scott;  6. Ted Pritchard;  7. Cpl. Jimmy Synnott;  8. Lt. Lewis;  9. Capt Westley; 10. Lt Ponsford; 11-12. poss Hawksworth; 13.Gdsm Thomas Brindle; 14. Gdsm. John ‘Jack’ Jenkins; 15. nk.

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