Hampshire, Haslar Royal Naval Cemetery, Portsmouth
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Displaying 1 - 10 of 10ADAMS, Alastair Scott
DENNIS, Donald Henry Arthur
Sergeant Donald Dennis, 'C' Troop, from Plymouth, was shot and killed by a sniper during Operation Musketeer, the Anglo-French Invasion of Port Said, Egypt.
Marine Lorin Dudhill, 'Y' Troop, from Wingate, Durham, died during Operation Musketeer, the Anglo-French Invasion of Port Said, Egypt.
JACKSON, John Geoffrey
MCCARTHY, Peter William
Lieutenant Peter McCarthy, 'B' Troop, from Salisbury, died during Operation Musketeer, the Anglo-French Invasion of Port Said, Egypt. He was leading a section clearing the Customs House when killed by enemy fire
PRICE, Bernard John
Marine Bernard Price, 'C' Troop, from Cardiff, died during Operation Musketeer, the Anglo-French Invasion of Port Said, Egypt.
PRYOR, Frederick William
Sergeant Frederick Pryor, M.M., died on board HMCS Algonquin during operations at Normandy, France. He was awarded the Military Medal for leadership, gallantry and devotion to duty while serving with Royal Marine Commandos in Italy.
SARE, Francis Martin
Marine Francis Sare died in service, cause unknown to this archive [Source: AFM ROH].
SHORT, Brian John
Marine Brian Short, from Parkstone, Poole, died during Operation Musketeer, the Anglo-French Invasion of Port Said, Egypt.
UFTON, Edward Albert

Lieutenant Edward Ufton, 'B' Troop, from Burton-on-Trent, died during Operation Musketeer, the Anglo-French Invasion of Port Said, Egypt. He was leading a section clearing the Customs House when killed by enemy fire.
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