47RM Commando, April 1945 photo

47RM Commando, April 1945, Kamperland, Holland

47RM Commando 'X' troop in Holland, April 1945. The Church in the background of this photo is called 'De Ark', located in the village of Kamperland. Photo courtesy of John Mewett.

Four rows left to right
Top row (13 standing): 1. Mne A.E. Mills; 2-8. n/k; 9. L/Cpl. Percy Kendrick; 10-13. n/k.

3rd row (16 standing): 1. n/k ; 2. Mne. Ron Everton ; 3-9. n/k; 10. Mne G. Skinner ; 11. n/k; 12. Mne. A.T.Wright ; 13. n/k; 14. Mne. Kelly ; 15. n/k; 16. n/k.

2nd row (15 sitting): 1. nk; 2. Mne. Payne; 3. n/k ; 4. Cpl. R. Smith ; 5. C/Sgt. McCabe; 6. Sgt. George E. Brooker ; 7. TSM Robinson ; 8. n/k ; 9. Capt. P.C. McCormick ; 10-14. nk; 15. Cpl. Baines.

Bottom row (15 on ground): 1. nk; 2. Mne. Rodger; 3-6. n/k; 7. Rien Koole aged 15 *; 8. Piet de Haze aged 15 *; 9-15. n/k.

*Almost 67 years after this photo was taken the two boys in the front rank of this photo have been identified as 2 local lads, Rien Koole and Piet De Haze, both aged 15. Sadly Piet de Haze died somewhile back.